"Yahshua said to them, 'Have you never read in the Scriptures: The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; Yahweh has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?" Matthew 21:42

Editorial Comment: Rejection: Rejection influences our lives in the secular and spiritual arenas and we become players as a rejector and as the rejectee. In all circumstances such choices in rejection propose a challenge that draws upon our inner strength and forbearance. Secular rejection, aside from spiritual rejection, are two different authoritative rights. But, we need to see that some man-made secular laws can be drastically contrary to YHVH's spiritual laws. Are we willing to take responsibility for how we discern between the two? These decisions in rejection ultimately shape our lives spiritually and naturally. The perfect example of rejection is found in Yahshua our Lord and Savior, there you will find the courage and knowledge to handle being a rejector or the rejectee in a today's world that is constantly changing the game board of life.
“A Community Where All Homes Are Tiny Homes”
Creating intentional communities seemed the next logical step for these tiny-homers in Portland. It's called 'Simply Home', and what makes it special is that all the homes are tiny ...
“Engines of Domination | What Governments Have Done”
“United Church of Canada to Investigate 'Effectiveness' of Minister Who Professes Atheism”
A regional body of the United Church of Canada will interview a clergywoman who is an outspoken atheist to see about her "effectiveness." In June, the Toronto Conference of the UCC will enact a formal process known as a review regarding the Rev. Gretta Vosper, an author and founder of the Canadian Centre for Progressive Christianity who is also a professed atheist ...
“Corporate Media Blacks Out Pentagon Report that Exposes U.S. Role in the Creation of ISIS”
In a story reverberating across the world, last week award winning journalist and scholar Dr. Nafeez Ahmed exposed startling information about U.S. complicity in the creation and rise of ISIS, as contained in a recently declassified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report ...
“You've Felt It Your Entire Life”
We have felt this in our life to one extent or another & these things will continue ... until Yahshua returns to this earth & establishes HIS Kingdom.
“Iceland Recovering Fastest in Europe After Jailing Bankers Instead of Bailing them Out”
After Iceland suffered a heavy hit in the 2008-2009 financial crisis, which famously resulted in convictions and jail terms for a number of top banking executives, the IMF now says the country has managed to achieve economic recovery - "without compromising its welfare model," which includes universal healthcare and education. In fact, Iceland is on track to become the first European country that suffered in the financial meltdown ...
“Meet The Doctor Who Prescribes Fruit & Vegetables Instead Of Drugs!”
Instead of suggesting surgery or drugs to remedy a patient's problems, this doctor makes nourishing food the first priority. Although it was Hippocrates, the father of modern day medicine, who so famously stated, "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food," few conventional doctors take seriously those words or wisdom and make wholesome, nutritious living the foundation of their patient's treatment plan ...
“Watch for These 4 Signs of Astroturfing to Recognize Corporate Disinfo & Propaganda”
(NaturalNews) Most Americans are probably not familiar with the industry term astroturfing - the practice of hiding or masking the sponsors of a particular message, be it in public relations, political or in advertising - to give the appearance that it is supported by, and originates from, a grassroots sponsor. That's a shame, because the practice is used to sham and scam Americans into believing certain ads or messages are genuine, and this is especially true with Big Pharma ...
“Look Up”
“Stores in Europe Stop Selling Roundup Over Cancer Concerns; Why Won't Lowe's & Home Depot Do The Same?”
(NaturalNews) It's no secret that, compared to many parts of Europe, the United States is seriously lacking when it comes to protecting people from encountering harmful chemicals on a daily basis. For example, the synthetic chemical known as brominated vegetable oil (BVO) continues to show up in citrusy soft drinks such as Mountain Dew, but in Europe it's banned. Sure, it's been known linked to cardiac arrhythmias, disrupting the endocrine system and causing rashes, but the FDA hasn't banned it here ...
“The 'Charlie Charlie Challenge' & Teenage Yearning for Supernatural Encounters”
In May, four girls at a Colombian high school experienced a supernatural encounter so profound they had to be taken to the emergency room in an ambulance. The girls had been playing a game called the "Charlie Charlie challenge" in which teenagers use two precariously balanced pencils to conjure an ambiguous entity named "Charlie." Players ask Charlie questions and Charlie answers ...
“Amazon Robots”
“10 Stories the Media Missed While Obsessing Over the Confederate Flag”
(ANTIMEDIA) A common technique the media employs when covering news is the "feeding frenzy." The dictionary defines feeding frenzy as "a period of intense excitement over or interest in a person or thing: the media erupt into a feeding frenzy." The Bill Clinton sex scandal of the late 90's is one example. Other classic cases from the 1950's to the 1990's are highlighted by the Washington Post - which has not updated the section since the 1990's ...
“Top 10 Most Surprising Things Banned in China”
The Chinese regime is known for its control over all aspects of society. Here's a list of 10 of the most surprising things banned in China ...
“The America My Grandchildren Will Never Know!”
There is a natural tendency as one gets older to become nostalgic about the past. In reality, things were usually not as bad or as good as we imagine them. Even with that understanding, I maintain that America is only a shadow ...
“Spiritually Dumbed Down - Can't See Judgement Coming”
In the past week we watched Jeb Bush and then Donald Trump join the ever burgeoning melee of Republicans who have declared to run for the presidency. Both speeches were colored with promises and bold statements about America's recovery ...
“Donald Trump & Neil Young: What That Song Communicates”
The use of Neil Young's Rockin' in the Free World (1989) at Donald Trump's presidential campaign announcement this week - and the response from Young - provided only the most recent example of an ancient and powerful tactic: the recruitment of music to political ends ...
“Playing for Change”
“Muslim Leader Plans to Turn Thousands of Churches Into Mosques - Claims Christians & Muslims Worship the Same God”
A prominent Muslim leader in France has suggested that thousands of the country's abandoned Catholic churches should be turned into mosques to accommodate the growing French Muslim population, which is the largest Muslim population in Europe ...
“Why Do Mass Shooters Always Share the Same Hair Styles & Crazed Zombie Stares?”
(NaturalNews) Nearly all mass shooters in recent memory share two things rarely pointed out in the media: bowl-cut hair styles and wild-eyed hollow stares ...
“Why Would God Choose Me?”
If someone asked me to explain election, I would start by asking this person to describe to me how he got saved. Tell me how you were converted ...
“Innovative Design Of The Year Will Replace Animals In Lab Tests”
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