“Top Swedish Priest: Islamists Have Declared War On Christianity”
It's time to wake up
A priest who represents the largest religious community in Sweden has warned that Europe needs to "wake up" to the fact that Islamists have declared war on Christianity.
Annika Borg, who is a priest in the Swedish Church, an Evangelical Lutheran national church that boasts 6.2 million members, wrote an op-ed for Sydsvenskan in which she decried Sweden's reaction to last week's murder of a Catholic priest in France by Islamists, asking why churches were silent on the issue.
Asserting that "the genocide of Christians and other religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East" has been largely ignored for years, Borg states that Father Jacques Hamel was slaughtered like an animal.
His murder "removes any doubt about the bloody declaration of war directed against Christianity on European soil," by Islamists, she writes, pleading "What is it you do not understand? What is it you do not see and do not hear?"
Borg also makes reference to Sweden's incredibly stifling political environment under which prominent politicians have been charged with hate crimes merely for drawing attention to the negative aspects of Islam.
She writes that anyone who warned about the threat of Islamists targeting churches in Europe before it happened would have been labeled a xenophobe or Islamophobic.
Borg also complains that it has been "difficult to obtain information" about the persecution of Jews in Sweden, suggesting that authorities are covering up the true scale of the danger they are in.
"It is time to wake up," she concludes.
Borg is a prominent voice in Sweden, frequently appearing on television and in the media.
Her sentiments will almost certainly not be supported by Bishop Eva Brunne, the first openly lesbian bishop of a mainstream church in the world, who said last October that crosses should be removed from churches in Stockholm and replaced with Islamic symbols in order to make Muslim migrants feel more welcome.
The issue was laced with irony given that as a lesbian, Brunne would face imprisonment and execution in many Islamic countries. Robert Spencer said that her comments were an illustration of "what a society and culture in the midst of suicide looks like."
© Paul Joseph Watson