"For all things were created in Him (YHVH), the things in the heavens, & the things on the earth, the visible & the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created through Him & for Him. And He is before all things, & by Him all things consist." - Colossians 1:16-17

Editorial Comment: SPIRITTECH: History continues to repeat itself. New technology & changing spirits have brought us some new fronts. We are in an age where spirituality & technology are not working for everyone. If we are expecting our religions & governments to homogenize root beliefs & bring technology advancements forward, it can only perpetuate the past. For there is no tolerance in religious rules without the spirit of our beliefs connected to the purity of a holiness that is far above all mankind. We cannot accept everything because our hearts are not always in the right place & only come into communion together when we acknowledge that we do not hold the controls. This is not a game or simulation, but we are the players. We are the souls cast upon high dangerous waters that need to cry out for help.
“Can Spirituality Survive in a Hyper-Connected Society?”
We live in a fast-paced, hyper-connected society. While modern technology definitely has its benefits, does being constantly plugged in to technology, and relying on it for almost everything, erode the space for spirituality in our lives? How do we keep spirituality alive in our hyper-connected society? When was the last time you went a whole day without technology? ...
“Why Artificial Intelligence is the Future of Religion”
Robotics and Christianity have a longer history than you'd expect, and they're only growing more entangled ... There are places you never expect to be in life. For me, this was certainly one of them: in a conference room in suburban Charlotte on the campus of Southern Evangelical Seminary, with an enormous old Bible on a side table, shelves of Great Books lining the walls, and, on the conference table itself, a 23-inch-tall robot doing yoga ...
“25 Mind-Blowing Ways Society Is About To Completely Change”
“How Should Christians Engage With Technology?”
The other weekend I went to speak at a men's breakfast at St. Luke's Wimbledon Park on the topic of "how should Christians engage with technology?" It's something I've been wanting to put together a talk on ever since my time studying on the Cornhill Training Course and working as their IT guy, a period of my life which gave me plenty of time to think about how theology and technology interact (this was also when I first developed the PrayerMate app). I think this is a topic which Christians ought to be encouraged to think about a lot ...
“What is Islam's View About Education, Science & Technology?”
The framework of Islamic thought represents a comprehensive view of life and the universe. A Muslim is therefore required to acquire both religious and worldly knowledge. In fact, Islam advocated knowledge at a time when the whole world was engulfed in ignorance. In a matter of years the early generation of Muslims became a learned and refined people, for Islam had awakened in them the faculty of intellect. Those early Muslims understood from the teachings of their religion that useful knowledge is necessary for the benefit of the self and of humanity ...
“iGods: How Technology Shapes Our Spiritual and Social Lives”
Communication scholar, film-maker, and cultural commentator Craig Detweiler's new book iGods: How Technology Shapes Our Spiritual and Social Lives (Brazos Press 2013) should be essential reading for any Christian interested in the impact of contemporary technology on their faith. In one of the most thorough and eclectic studies I have encountered, Detweiler examines how the technologies, web services, and social media networks of Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram hold the potential to transform contemporary theology and practices of worship ...
“Billy Graham Ted Talks: Technology, Faith & Human Shortcomings”
“The Mark of the Beast”
The Bible says a day will come when the whole world will be ruled by an evil dictator-the Antichrist. This one man will dominate the world politically, economically, and religiously (Revelation 13:1-18). People will actually worship him (Revelation 13:12), and he will force them to accept a mark on the right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16). If they refuse, they will lose all ability to buy or sell anything ...
“Insanity or Humanity - Where are We Heading? 2015 Outlook”
Before flying back/traveling back to Norway for the holiday season, my car broke down on the Autobahn, and I was forced to call for roadside assistance. In Germany, it's a company called ADAC or what we also refer to as "the yellow angels." But thanks to LTE, I spent my time waiting for the tow-car while listening to another mind blowing talk by Ray Kurzweill who is considered one of the great thinkers of our time. The topic he spoke on is "Our Path to Singularity." He predicts that in the near future we will reach hybrid thinking and then eventually reach (technological) singularity (also known as post-humanism) in which artificial intelligence will exceed human capacity. Thus, we will no longer have control over technology ...
“2 Must Read Articles for Christians Interested in the Impact of Technology on Church & Faith”
Here are links to two thoughtful and thought-provoking articles related to the impact of technology on our lives. One deals specifically with implications for the church. The other shoots for a broader target, but has many implications for the church and its mission ...
“The 5 Major World Religions”
“The Soul of Cyberspace”
The buildings in this part of Brooklyn are rundown, scarred by graffiti. Iron gates cover nearly every window. Aside from a few cars, nothing moves beneath the hot summer sun. No wonder my cab driver has his pedal to the floor. In the distance, a billboard appears high on a wall. An old man with a white beard looks out from it. He is the late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, the seventh Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement of Orthodox Judaism. The taxi passes the billboard, and everything changes ...
“Are You Fighting the New Greed?”
Kyle and I sat down at the restaurant, away from the children, yet I still couldn't relax and enjoy myself. I had been consistently distracted for weeks. Slumped at the table, I stared at him and tried to explain how I was feeling. "I feel overrun with thoughts and emotions, many of them sad and discontented. My brain feels like it's being pulled in a million different directions. What is going on with me?" After listening to my winding trail of thoughts for many minutes, Kyle replied, "You check e-mail a lot. You're on your phone a lot." ...
“What Advice Do You Have for Christians Who are Trying to Approach Technology With a Biblical Worldview?”
“Superhuman Powers & Life Extension Technologies Will Allow Us To Become Like God”
'Transhumanists: Superhuman Powers & Life Extension Technologies Will Allow Us To Become Like God' - If you could merge your current mind and body with technology that would give you superhuman powers and would allow you to live forever, would you do it? This is essentially what the transhumanism movement is seeking to accomplish. Transhumanists envision a day when technology will allow humanity to become so advanced that sickness, disease, poverty and war will essentially be eradicated. They believe that merging with machines will permit us to become trillions of times more intelligent than we are today, and they also believe that radical life extension technologies will make it possible for humanity to actually achieve immortality. Many transhumanists are convinced that such a world can be achieved within their lifetimes ...
“Half of Pastors Believe Faith Will Become Online - Only Experience”
Take Me to Church? Half of Pastors Believe Faith Will Become Online-Only Experience - Barna survey examines how Protestant senior pastors use the internet today. BARNA GROUP - The key phrase Hozier sung at the Grammys last Sunday from his hit song, "Take Me to Church," will grow outdated for many, nearly half of Protestant senior pastors believe. Today 47 percent agree that at least some people will experience their faith exclusively through the internet within the coming decade ...
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