"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people." - II Timothy 3: 1-5

Editorial Comment: The brightness of our global technology has brought some norms into the dark side. Crossing norms have become a landslide affecting societies worldwide. The accepted norms that once sustained societies are being displaced with temporal valueless effigies. The sensible norms that promoted well being are still apparent, but too many are being usurped by ill meaning deceptions bent on destruction. Such changes are turning abnormal because of the loss of respect and tolerance toward people. History seems to be repeating itself, back to the days of Noah.
“Wearable Technology: Latest Devices Allow Employers to Track Behavior of Their Workers”
In the past, companies looking to increase the productivity of their staff may not have stretched much further than a modest increase to the Christmas bonus pot or the installation of a new coffee machine. But the dawn of wearable technology has led to the creation of devices capable of building up workers' personalized biological profiles, allowing them to analyze when they are at their peak and when they are having an off-day ...
“3 Generations”
This is what Nature Valley (Food Brand) found out when they talked to 3 generations & asked them one simple question: What did you like to do for fun as a kid?
“Franklin Graham Jumps Into Ban on 'How Great Thou Art”
Franklin Graham, the president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, is warning Christians they must stand up for their beliefs or their religious freedoms will be lost. He was commenting on Facebook about a Mississippi high-school band that was barred from performing the traditional hymn, "How Great Thou Art," ...
“Amazing Great-Grandmother Feeds 200 Needy School Kids Every Day”
When the school couldn't offer free or reduced-price lunches to kids during the summer, this grandmother and a group of volunteer worked together to ensure every child was fed. Imagine living in a location with limited industry and scarce funds ...
“8 Nations Going Vegetarian, Proving To The World Less Is More”
These countries have decreased their consumption of animal products dramatically! Did you know? In 2010, the United Nations released a report urging the world to adopt a predominantly plant-based diet, for its environmental and health implications. Since the turn of the century, interest in vegan and vegetarian diets has dramatically increased! ...
“Acceptance of Death - Alan Watts”
“Commonly Prescribed Pharmaceuticals Make People Angry, Violent & More Likely to Kill”
Commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals make people angry, violent and more likely to kill, researchers discover ... (NaturalNews) Feeling irritable, paranoid or even violent lately? Before you blame other life triggers like your job, money problems or your significant other, you may want to examine your prescription drug regimen ...
“Hal Lindsey Report”
An important, but almost completely ignored, development took place recently in the Middle East. I believe it comes as a direct result of the agreement between the West and Iran regarding its nuclear program. It has powerful prophetic implications. To date, Iran's dominating influence has been exerted mainly among Shi'ite Muslims ...
“Democracy Doesn't Exist: Here's Why Voting Doesn't Change Anything”
"Presidents are selected, not elected." These are the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt, longtime politician and the 32nd President of the United States. Are presidents really selected? Do votes really count? Or are presidential elections rigged? More and more people seem to believe so, as every year, presidential candidates seem more like walking billboards for the numerous corporations showering them with money ...
“Mind-controlled Movie: a Quantum Leap for Cinema?”
Watching a movie has traditionally been a largely passive experience. But what if the person watching could influence what happens on-screen via their brainwaves? An experimental short-film called 'Scanners' aims to create a platform that bridges the gap between digital arts and neuroscience ...
“How Much Evidence Do We Need to Take Action?”
How much evidence do we need to take action? Big food, big pharma, big brother and more ... (NaturalNews) The news pouring in daily about how we're being scammed, poisoned and domineered by big food, big pharma, big oil, big corporations and big brother is almost overwhelming. It's past time to draw some conclusions from all of the obvious evidence. This is where the rubber meets the road ...
“Brain Science With Invention Of New Smart Drug That Increases IQ, Memory & Focus Up To 100%”
After 7 years MIT scientists break new ground & usher in the future of brain science with invention of new smart drug that increases IQ, memory & focus up To 100% - (MHL) - 7 years ago MIT assembled a team of neuroscientists to work on coming up with a natural brain supplement that could effortlessly boost IQ. Today, those scientists made the breakthrough they were seeking and made the discovery of a lifetime. They discovered a combination of ingredients that do just that and more ...
“Google's Terrifying Humanoid Robot Running Through Forrest”
“Beware of the Rising Cult of End Time Churchianity”
... As Satan continues to lull the body of Christ to sleep in the last days before the end of the church age and the catching away; the corrupt fruits of counterfeit bibles, perverted gospels, and unclean spirits have come full harvest in an emerging cult that I personally refer to as "Churchianity". Churchianity is a counterfeit and perverted form of Christianity that covertly epitomizes humanism ...
“Explosive: The Real Reason Holistic Doctors are Being Killed and Vanishing!”
“The Deterioration of Family Values”
Since World War 2 when women were encouraged to join the work force en mass, to replace the men who went to war and keep the economy and the war effort going. There has been a deterioration of family values and a breakdown of the family unit, a trend where a mother was not at home to take care of her children, monitor their behavior, help with the homework and discipline when and where necessary ...
“Artificial Limbs Now Rival the Real Thing”
Watching Captain Matthew Bacik run and jump, you would never know he had lost one foot in Iraq. Army Captain Matthew Bacik is standing on a treadmill as an operator tries to knock him down. The operator stops and starts the treadmill without warning, but Bacik stays on his feet. What makes that remarkable is that Bacik has only one of the feet he was born with. The other was lost to an improvised explosive device ...
“Why Satan Is So Skillful at Tempting Us to Sin”
Satan is a formidable foe. He opposes all those who are created in the image of God and is bent on their complete and utter destruction. What makes Satan so skillful at tempting us to sin? In his little book Fighting Satan, Joel Beeke offers 6 reasons ...
“Are Our Societies' Values Deteriorating?”
“DNA Studies Show Mind & Body Are One”
Here's how DNA can be thought of in the context of the mind-over-matter or matter-over-mind debate: Matter-over-mind = Your DNA determines your personality traits (combined with some external influences or learned behavior, which also seem to be more a function of the physical reality around you than your personal power of mind) ...
“Mysterious Trumpet-Like Sounds Around World Leave Many Baffled”
Mysterious trumpet-like noises from the sky have been "continuing to baffle people all over the world," the Daily Mail reported. People in Germany, Ukraine and even Canada and the United States have reported hearing the sounds, leaving many to speculate whether a heavenly signal is being blown from above ...
“It Is About Control”
When I first started working on this article I put it aside. It troubled me that I was getting too political. But I kept thinking if people don't speak out nothing is going to change. So here it is. I was enjoying breakfast at a local restaurant when I overheard a group of men at an adjacent table discussing the Republican nomination for President of the U.S. One man said, "I may not have the right attitude, but I am really enjoying the way Donald Trump is calling out the Republicans. They need something ...
“University Research Team Discovers Edible Solar Technology”
Solar panel-enhancing gel created by University of Connecticut research team. "Take an edible protein and mix it up with edible fatty acid from coconut and warm it up to form a gel," said C. Vijay Kumar, and you've got a "first-of-its-kind" coating for solar cells and light emitting diodes that will boost the power of your solar panels and convert light emitting diodes into ambient white light ...
“Ripple - Playing For Change - Song Around The World”
“This Brilliant Braille Smartwatch Lets the Visually Impaired Feel What Time It Is”
From 3-D printed ultrasounds that help blind mothers "see" their babies to Legos that translate digital text into braille, to "smart" canes that guide people with ultrasound waves, technology for the visually impaired has evolved by leaps and bounds in the last year alone. Now the smartwatch is finally catching up and it's about time ...
“Will The Large Hadron Collider Open Up A Portal To Another Dimension?”
What in the world is going on over at CERN? Are scientists playing around with forces that they simply do not understand? Some of the things that I am going to share with you in this article are deeply disturbing. The European Organization for Nuclear Research (also known as CERN) is purposely smashing particles into one another at astonishingly high speeds. If you think that sounds incredibly dangerous, you are not alone ...
“If the Confederate Flag Has to Come Down, Then So Does the LGBT Rainbow Flag”
The LGBT demands freedom to think, do, speak and act as they please, but will ill-afford that right to anyone else. As the Progressive Left continues it's chokehold on the US Constitution in general and on the American people in particular, the water-cooler debate is now raging over the Confederate flag's ability to remain flying in the South and wherever else people choose to display it ...
“The 20-Year-Old With a Plan to Rid the Sea of Plastic”
“After Laodicea”
The Book of the Revelation is divided into several sections. Chapters 1-3 cover the first section, the message from the Lord to the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. As we've discussed in previous briefs, each of the seven churches was a literal church that existed during the first century. They were real churches with real problems ...
“Amount Of Students Homeschooling Increased 62% In The Past Decade”
In the past, parents have put very little thought into how their children would be educated, and many of them have thoughtlessly put their trust in government schooling. However, times are slowly beginning to change, as more parents are turning towards homeschooling, unschooling and alternative education paths ...
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