2 Peter 1:4

Editorial Comment: Mankind's promises are kept and broken everyday. YHWH's promises are true. It takes spiritual fortitude to keep a promise.
“Losing Hope - Rising Suicide Epidemic Across US”
Did you know that more Americans now die from suicide than are
killed in car crashes each year? According to the CDC, there has
been a substantial spike in suicide deaths in the United States in
recent years. Today, approximately 9.3 million Americans admit to
having suicidal thoughts, and approximately 2.7 million Americans
each year actually make a plan for how they would commit suicide.
We are a deeply, deeply unhappy nation, but of course this
phenomenon is not just limited to America. According to the World
Health Organization, suicide is now the third highest cause of
death in the entire world ...
“140 Broken Promises”
“The New Normal of China's Economy & If It's Bad, Just Stop Reporting It”
Two articles covering the economic state of China and its
gigantic importance on how China is effecting our global markets
now and for the long run. China's rapid economic growth and
worldwide status does not mean it will be a sustained growth that
will benefit them or anyone else further downs the road ...
“Mark Of The Beast Technologies On The Rise”
Imagine a day when every person on earth has a global
government-issued identification card, complete with biometric
data. There is no more cash and every transaction is electronically
tracked. No one is able to run or hide from the global
establishment, as everyone's biometric data has been permanently
implanted into their body. You become your own unique,
government-controlled ID. Could what seems like a standard
Hollywood sci-fi fantasy script become humanitys future reality,
making us all virtual cyborgs in just 15 years or less ...
“Move - Keep Walkin'”
“How Eerie Predictions of Nine Traits of Messianic Era are Coming True Today”
In the search for signs of the onset of the Messianic era, many
look to the Bible and Prophets. The rabbinic sages who wrote the
Talmud, a collection of Jewish biblical commentaries, were also
granted a modicum of prescience. One section of the Talmud
describes, in detail, the characteristics of society preceding the
Messiah. In many ways, it is a disturbingly accurate description of
our culture today and its unique traits, never seen before in
history. This description, found in the tractate of Sotah, folio
49b, lists nine traits of the days preceding the Messiah ...
“Obama: There's Little Difference Between Communism & Capitalism”
"Just Choose What Works" President Obama has stoked controversy after he suggested to an audience of Argentinian youth that there was no great difference between communism and
capitalism and that they should just "choose from what works". Obama responded to a question about nonprofit community organizations and the necessity of attracting funding from both the public and
private sectors ...
“Mass Exodus - More Americans than Ever Before in History are Renouncing their Citizenship”
"If you don't like America, you can't get out!" Okay. As Donald
Trump and his ilk boast building a giant wall to keep immigrants
out of the United States, more Americans than ever before are
fleeing. According to the latest government data, the number of
American citizens turning their backs on the United States has
skyrocketed in the last decade, breaking records each year. Since
2008, the number of Americans renouncing their citizenship has
increased 18 fold, making 2015 the third record-breaking year in a
row ...
“Does Israel Have a Right to Defend Itself? Vote Now”

“There's A 50% Chance A Robot Will Take Your Job In The Next 20 Years”
Job loss is blamed on many factors. Illegal immigration (though
this argument is dubious at best), outsourcing, regulatory
overreach, and automation are the most common culprits. Of these,
automation - specifically the rise of a robotics-based labor force
coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) - poses the greatest
threat to the average job. Advances in robotics and AI may soon
endanger the employment status of everyone from drivers and
personal assistants to sex workers and writers.
“America 2016: Echoes of Nazi Germany, Star Wars Force, & Awakening”
Storm Clouds from Hell are Blowing Over the Soil of America!
2016 will be the most pivotal year in the history of America. In
2016 America will either experience some form of Great Awakening or
America as we know it will die. We are one mass terrorist event
away from a police state. The seismic pressures upon America are
about to erupt with volcanic force, and as they do America as a
free nation will be plunged into chaos and totalitarianism. The
seductive, magnetic power of this Nazi nightmare pulls upon each of
us, and if we yield to it we will enter destruction. Is our destiny
to be inevitably pulled into the chaos with no way out or do we
have some degree of choice ...
“Jerusalem the Holy City”
“The End of the Establishment?”
Step back from the campaign fray for just a moment and consider
the enormity of what's already occurred. A 74-year-old Jew from
Vermont who describes himself as a democratic socialist, who wasn't
even a Democrat until recently, has come within a whisker of
beating Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucus, routed her in the New
Hampshire primary, and garnered over 47 percent of the caucus-goers
in Nevada, of all places. And a 69-year-old billionaire who has
never held elective office or had anything to do with the
Republican Party has taken a commanding lead in the Republican
primaries. Something very big has happened, and it's not due to
Bernie Sanders' magnetism or Donald Trump's likability. It's a
rebellion against the establishment ...
“Ask Siri”

“Popular Sayings From the Bible? Free Quiz”
“The Promise of the Rapture”
This article is written to bring you comfort, hope, and truth
that will sustain you during these troubled times - here is
scriptural truth about the event called the Rapture. Often referred
to in scripture as our Blessed Hope or the Mystery ... this is for
every Born Again Believer to be looking forward toward. This is one
end time event we can all claim as a prophesied promise to be
fulfilled. Maranatha ...
“The Lies Those Of Us Over 50 Were Told When We Were Young”
Regrettably, there has been a difficult change in our country,
and many of us didn't see it coming. I come from a generation that
was given certain promises. My generation was told we needed to do
well on the SAT. We were told we needed to have leadership
positions in clubs and other extracurricular activities, do
volunteer work, and write stellar essays for our college
applications ...
“Fourth Industrial Revolution Brings Promise & Peril for Humanity”
Until the spasm in the markets interfered, Davos 2016 was
supposed to be about how humankind will cope in the new age of the
smart machine. While share prices were gyrating, the bigger picture
was obscured. There is a fourth industrial revolution happening
“The EMF Disaster”
“Return Of The Mahdi Central To Apocalyptic Islam”
The Islamic Mahdi is eagerly awaited by various sects of Muslims
around the world, but most notably ISIS and Iranian leaders. Both
share the belief in the establishment of a global Islamic state and
in the annihilation of non-Muslim nations. And both are actively
working ...
“The Hidden Rapture Prophecy”