“Nuclear War Is On The Horizon: This Is Not Just Talk - Action Has Been Taken”
As the U.S. elections draw nearer, the amount of bellicose rhetoric from politicians and key military commanders (in truth, "politicians" as well) has been increasing. The main focus of that rhetoric has been directed toward Russia, and is also "blathered" in the direction of China, North Korea, and Iran when it suits U.S. political interests ...This headline is updating every minute now ...stay alert!
“Christian Persecution”
“What We've Suspected About Fitbits All Along Is True”
Wearing a fitness tracker may help you keep tabs on how many steps you take, but the devices themselves - even with the lure of a cash reward - probably won't improve your health, according to the biggest study yet done on the trendy technology ...In our scramble to stay connected, we are actually disconnecting in so many ways!
“The UN Just Approved A Depopulation Agenda - Goes into Effect November 4th”
“Age of Artificial Intelligence: How We're Already Living In a Sci-Fi Future”
When we talk about artificial intelligence (AI) most people still imagine robots who can talk, act, and behave (to a certain extent) like a human being - like a C-3PO (Star Wars), sans the metallic look. Or maybe, a supercomputer that can read human behavior so well that it interacts seamlessly with us, while controlling the system ...It seems that we have gained so much technically & scientifically - but are losing so much in the humanities of just plain living.
“Israel's Biggest Trouble”
What is Israel's biggest trouble today? Modern Israel's problems echo those found in Jewish history. This is because Israel is fundamentally Jewish (descendants of Jacob-Israel). For this reason, unjust criticism of Israel must be considered in light of Israel's Jewish ethnicity. As far back as the records show - wherever the Jews lived in their extended exile - there were pogroms and inquisitions enacted against them ...
“Do Something”
“A Spirit of Violence Rises in America Following the Unveiling of The 'Harbinger of Baal' In New York”
Is it just a coincidence that we have seen violence erupt all over America since the unveiling of the arch that served as a gateway to the Temple of Baal in New York City on September 19th? First there were the terror attacks in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota, then there were the unprecedented riots in Charlotte, and over the weekend there was a horrific mass shooting near Seattle. All of these events took place within a week after the Arch of Triumph was put up in New York ...
“If You Don't Think Bible Prophecy is Real - Then You Better Watch This!”
“Obama Used His Final UN Address To Promote A 'Liberal World Order' & A Palestinian State”
President Obama, in his final speech to the United Nations Tuesday, made an impassioned plea on behalf of a liberal world order that he admitted was under growing threat from wars in the Middle East and rising nationalism at home and in Europe. Speaking to the U.N. General Assembly for the eighth and last timeas president, Obama sought to rise above the conflicts ...We are seeing the culmination of history coming into prophetic times, with everything being exposed at once. All pointing to the end of times as the bible tells us!
“Nigerian Parents Reunite With 21 Girls Freed By Boko Haram”
ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) - Joy, jubilation and dancing erupted Sunday when a group of Nigerian parents were reunited with 21 schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram 2 1/2 years ago and freed in the first negotiated release organized by the government and the Islamic extremist group. The girls were hugged and embraced ...We must never be silent of the horrors that are taking place world wide in these End Time Events BUT also the good that is still happening at the same time also!
“Migrant Concerns Mount Ahead of Calais Jungle Camp Demolition”
“What is This World Coming To? Exactly What Jesus Said it Would”
Every so often I hear someone say in despair, "What is this world coming to?" This kind of comment usually comes in response to a doomsday report of some kind. You know the kind I'm talking about. Statistics show that kids are more sexualized now than ever, and that 70% of kids will have sex before graduating high school! A new report says that 45% of Americans think that God ...We as believers have the BLESSED HOPE, knowing that at the perfect time we will be saved from GOD'S WRATH & called up to me JESUS CHRIST in the clouds! That ought to give you a HALLELUJAH MOMENT!
“The End State: 5 Triggering Events That Would Place the U.S. Under Martial Law”
As you are probably well aware, the Obama administration would like nothing more than to place the United States under Martial Law. Once that is accomplished, the country and people would be locked down and kept under control on the pretext of continuing with the government and/or maintaining the national security of the U.S ...
“Scientist Dr. Michio Kaku Admits Government 'Weather Control' on CBS News”
Geo-engineering, a term to describe the deliberate and large-scale intervention into the earth's climatic system. 10 years ago the concept of chemtrails and weather modification was scoffed at as conspiracy, now it's becoming more a reality every day. We've covered the geo-engineering reality in depth over the years, bringing forward information from insiders ...
“Ex Atheist Lee Strobel: My Wife's Conversion to Christianity Nearly Led to Divorce”
Strobel says a woman who lived in their condo building disrupted the status quo in his marriage. When his wife unexpectedly converted to Christiani ty, former atheist Lee Strobel said her decision left the couple teetering on divorce. A demonstration of Christ's love, however, would tip the scales . In a recent interview with The Christian Post, Strobel says that he began referring to himself as an atheist during his teenager years ...
“The Mental Disease Of Obsessive Ambition”
There is a troubling trend spreading across the western world. Millions are suffering from a condition known as 'Ambition Disease.' Signs and symptoms of ambition disease include: being consumed with the idea of 'success' - disconnecting from close friends and relatives because they aren't helping them succeed ...
If we could have controlled this before, don't you think the world would be a different place altogether now? The only true source to combat any sin or affliction is in knowing Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior
“Giant Meat Companies Are Actually the Perfect Home for Fake Meat”
Here's what Tyson's takeover of Beyond Meat says about our changing appetites. Tyson Foods, the globe's largest meat company, already knows how to create a burger that bleeds. After all, its vast slaughterhouses churn out nearly a quarter of all the beef produced in the United States. On Monday, the company announced it had bought a 5 percent stake in Beyond Meat ...
“Sinister!: Outrage Reverberates Around the World After UNESCO Says The Temple Mount is Not Jewish”
"To say that Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall is like saying that China has no connection to the Great Wall of China or that Egypt has no connection to the pyramids." -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ... A day after the United Nations marked Yom Kippur as an official holiday, the U.N.'s educational, scientific and cultural organization voted for a resolution that claims Judaism's most holy sites aren't Jewish at all ...YHWH GOD has kept His people & Israel a focal point throughout history & will always uphold His word & His will in their behalf - no matter all the rattling sabres!
“Australia Becomes First Country To Begin Microchipping Its Public”
Australia may become the first country in the world to microchip its public. NBC news predicted that all Americans would be microchipped by 2017, but it seems Australia may have already beaten them to it. Back in 2010, CBS news reported that the Australian government had a potential RFID microchipping plan in the works related to the health care system ...Just like you have heard before: Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!
“Researchers: Medical Errors Now Third Leading Cause of Death in United States”
Nightmare stories of nurses giving potent drugs meant for one patient to another and surgeons removing the wrong body parts have dominated recent headlines about medical care. Lest you assume those cases are the exceptions, a new study by patient-safety researchers provides some context. Their analysis, published in the BMJ on Tuesday, shows that "medical errors" in hospitals and other health-care facilities are incredibly common ...Don't take anything for granted & don't assume anything. Pray & seek for Godly wisdom in all your dealings in your life daily!
“I Will Rise”
“Here's How Russia and China Are Teaming Up to Shape Our Future”
A specter haunts the fast-aging "New American Century": the possibility of a future Beijing-Moscow-Berlin strategic trade and commercial alliance. Let's call it the BMB. Its likelihood is being seriously discussed at the highest levels in Beijing and Moscow, and viewed with interest in Berlin, New Delhi, and Tehran. But don't mention ...
“Why Won't Anyone Admit That America is Fighting 5 Wars?”
In an election flush with conspiracy theories, here's one that's real: Both major party nominees, as well as the journalists who cover the election and moderate the debates, are actively conspiring to avoid talking about the fact that the United States is waging war in at least five countries ...
To really get to the bottom line of any truth in any given Headline News event, it takes reading half a dozen separate articles of the same!
“The Next President Will Face an Internet Disaster”
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton is going to face a massive internet disaster during the next four to eight years. This isn't some breach of confidentiality - the leak of celebrity photos, the naming of Ashley Madison users, the theft of Sony's documents by North Korea - that cost about $3.8 million on average ...We have created monsters in our zeal for new technology & new devises & now we can't control them & find out they are beginning to control us instead. Stay aware of your own connection in your connected devises!
“Universe Has 2 Trillion Galaxies, Astronomers Say”
Hubble telescope images from deep space were collected over 20 years to solve the puzzle of how many galaxies the cosmos harbors. The surprising find is based on 3D modeling of images collected by the Hubble Space Telescope. There are a dizzying 2 trillion galaxies in the universe, up to 20 times more than previously thought, astronomers reported on Thursday. ...
“What Some Charities are Actually Doing With Your Money? Not All Good Causes are Created Equal”
I regularly find myself faced with a predicament at checkout counters of places like grocery markets and pet stores: "Would you like to donate a dollar to this charity?" Sometimes I do it because it feels right. Other times the look in the attendant's eyes makes me feel guilty and pressured, and I oblige, as if I wasn't asked, but told. Other times, I refuse because I've already done it, and I make sure to tell them that, as opposed to simply saying no ...
It is always a blessing to give & aid in support, BUT not at the expense of being fooled, used, & deceived. BE AWARE of the times we are living in. Your adversary is roaming around!
“That's My King”
“North Korea: Despite 70 Years of Religious Persecution, Church Keeps Growing”
North Korea Christians have endured 70 years of persecution, but these have not stopped the work of God in the communist nation. Since 1995, the North Korean government has allowed about 480 foreign organizations to work in the country, and 70 of these are Christian, including Samaritan's Purse and World Vision ...
“Why Does it Feel Like the Economy is Still Stuck in Neutral?”
America is in the midst of a strange sort of economic malaise. On the one hand, some economic numbers, like the unemployment rate, look pretty good. On the other hand, neither incomes nor the economy are growing fast enough. Some people call this "the new normal." Others call it "the great stagnation," a term coined by economist Tyler Cowen. Cowen's theory ...
Capitalism is collapsing around our ears, along with the middle class globally!
“War On Reality”
“NASA Disclosure”
“Hyperloop One Just Received Millions to Make Superfast Transport a Reality”
Claiming to reach speeds of up to 1,200km/h (800 mph), Elon Musk's hyperloop is a rapid train-like concept as controversial as any out there. It's practically unproven engineering and legal obstacles leave many questioning whether it can make the jump from design to reality. But the idea has now received a vote of confidence from a major backer ...
“Sharp Spike in Murder Rate Highlights Rift Between Police & Communities”
The homicide rate soared last year at a speed unseen since 1968, shows FBI data released on Sept. 26. Almost 15,700 people fell victim to homicide in 2015, an increase of more than 10 percent (1,532 homicides) over the year before. Fifteen cities were responsible for almost 40 percent of the increase, most notably Baltimore (133 more homicides), Chicago (67 more), Houston (61 more), Washington (57 more), and Milwaukee (55 more) ...
“The Five Companies Leading China's Overseas Expansion”
China's military does not yet have the capability to deploy its power quickly on a global scale. But economically, it's well on its way. Chinese companies are quickly - and quietly - amassing assets abroad. China's outbound M&A activity for the first nine months of 2016 totaled $174 billion according to Dealogic data, surpassing that of the United States for the first time ...
“Have You Heard that Israeli Leaders are Urging Jews to Read Through the Entire Bible?”
You probably haven't heard this in the mainstream media, but Israel's most senior leaders are urging the Jewish people to read through the Bible, the whole Bible, verse by verse, chapter by chapter. Can you imagine President Obama or any other U.S. leader calling on American people to read through the Bible? ...