“Unbelievable SciFi Military Weapons That Actually Exist”
It may sound like the kind of science fiction contraptions that would show up in a James Bond film or some other futuristic Hollywood spectacle … but these weapons are now making their way to the battlefield. The technology that is understood by the general public is seriously outdated. There has been a revolution of new advances in technology, and much of it draws heavily from the use of electromagnetic energy, lasers and A.I. robots. The future is downright deadly – that is, if you wind up in the crosshairs ...Just when you thought you might be catching a break from all the horros this world imposes ... think again!
“Wit & Wisdom”
“How Can We Learn to Reject Fake News in the Digital World?”
The circulation of fake news through social media in the 2016 presidential election has raised several concerns about online information. Of course, there is nothing new about fake news as such – the satirical site “The Onion” has long done this. Fake news satire is part of “Saturday Night Live”‘s Weekend Update and “The Daily Show.” In these cases, the framework of humor is clear and explicit. That, however, is not the case in social media, which has emerged as a real news source ...You better have a strong sense of 'right' & 'wrong' when dealing with any kind of news nowadays. Or you will just suck up everything & end up with nothing! AND, I believe that is what the 'elitist want!
“Antarctic Ice Sheet Study Reveals 8,000-Year Record of Climate Change”
An international team of researchers has found that the Antarctic Ice Sheet plays a major role in regional and global climate variability – a discovery that may also help explain why sea ice in the Southern Hemisphere has been increasing despite the warming of the rest of the Earth ...The influx of fake news has made many believe their lies & not consider the whole perspective! Don't take anyone's word for truth, search it out for yourself.
“Why America Is an Exceptional Nation”
If a single player wins an ongoing contest with maddening consistency, his frustrated rivals will inevitably accuse him of cheating. Our new nation’s shockingly rapid rise to world dominance counts as so illogical, so utterly unforeseen, that many mystified observers have determined that the only rational explanation involves a shameful record of American greed, ruthlessness, and immorality ...No one nation has a lock on being the Garden of Eden, but we must account for some of the greatness that still exists.
“Two Teams of Scientists Have Prototyped a Medical Device Modeled on Star Trek’s Tricorder”
As they boldly went where no one has gone before, the crews of the USS Enterprise often found that it was extremely useful to have a small device that could diagnose any ailment just by waving it near a person or alien — the Tricorder. ...
I always knew growing up that Star Trek had it going on. You can also assume there is MORE technology out there that we don't even know about at this time - that is behind the scenes - not yet devulged to us commoners!
“Paris Makes All Public Transport Free to Battle the Worst Air Pollution in 10 Years”
Air pollution has been of growing concern for many, many decades, causing environmental effects like acid rain, haze, eutrophication, ozone depletion, crop and forest depletion, global climate change, and effects on wildlife. It also wreaks havoc on human health, with long-term effects including cancer, damage to the immune, neurological, reproductive, and respiratory systems ...Kudo's Paris ... for actually doing something for the welfare of all ... I hope you continue to pave the way for more!
“Muslim Sheikh & His Family Abandon Islam For Christ, Muslims Find Out & Severely Beat Him With Clubs”
He once was the Muslim leader of his village, but after meeting in secret with a Christian pastor he and his wife and children renounced Islam and became Christians. When his former mosque discovered his conversion, they exploded with rage. First they threatened him by text message, then they finally beat him and destroyed his house and his ...
The price of Chrisianity is high in this day & age. We should remember our persecuted brothers & sisters in our prayers.
“Recycling Won’t Fix the Fast Fashion Problem”
60% of our clothing contains polyester. Made from crude oil, it emits 3 times more CO2 than cotton … slow down fast fashion!
Because it doesn't exist in any meaningful way... Look at any article on smart, sustainable shopping habits and you are guaranteed to see “recycle your old clothes” written somewhere. Ignore it. That’s a load of hogwash. The idea that most old textiles get recycled when you stuff them into a special clothing recycling bin is ridiculous. It just doesn’t happen because the technology does not exist ...
Everything ever created in this industrial age, seems to be demanding more from us than when it was first invented. Talk about rollover revolution!
“New - 20 Minute Time Lapse Video Shows Beijing Skyline Swallowed by Smog Cloud”
“Live from Jerusalem: Jesus is Alive! The Tomb is Empty!”
Because Barack Obama has cursed Israel at the United Nations, America is now under a curse. Friday’s stunning betrayal of Israel at the UN Security Council is making headlines all over the planet, but the truth is that what Obama has just done is far more serious than most people would dare to imagine. Over the past several decades, whenever the U.S. government has taken a major step toward the division of the land of Israel it has resulted in a major disaster hitting the United States ...
Israel is every christians prophetic 'time piece' to watch & pray for. End Time Events happening ALL the time now!
“Prophecy Update End Time Headlines”
“Entire Town’s Police Dept Quits Because Officials Kept Asking them to “Do Illegal, Immoral Things”
One Indiana town is without a police force after every officer resigned because, they say, the town council repeatedly asked them to “do illegal, unethical, and immoral things.” “We have had issues with the town board and there are some activities there where I felt like they were serving their own agenda,” former Bunker Hill Town Marshal Michael Thomison told a local Fox News affiliate ...Thank God we see that there are some who will still stand up for what is morally right & listen to their own conscious for what is right & what is wrong.
“Study Shows Govt Licensing Kills 31,000 Jobs & Costs Consumers $2 Billion – In 1 State Alone”
When we talk about declining jobs and economic burdens, the narrative conditions many to blame some “other” political or cultural group. But perhaps the least talked about threat to jobs comes from the government itself in the form of occupational licensing...
There is really nothing to be optimistic about as far as the conditions in this world - but we look unto Jesus Christ who still rules & reigns over everything ...
“Soviet Observation: The Only Difference Between Your Propaganda & Our Propaganda is That You Believe Yours”
On November 25, the Washington Post ran an article entitled: “Research ties ‘fake news’ to Russia.” It’s all about how sources in Russia are flooding American media and the Internet with phoney stories designed as “part of a broadly effective strategy of sowing distrust in U.S. democracy and its leaders.” “The sophistication of the Russian tactics,” the article says, “may complicate efforts by Facebook and Google to crack down on fake news ...
There is nothing funny about all the deception that is running rampart in our news & entertainment venues ... or is just the dark side becoming stronger!
“Dutch Politician Geert Wilders Guilty of Inciting Discrimination, Not Hatred”
Mr. Geert Wilders leads the main opposition party in the Netherlands parliament. It is growing so rapidly that it is possible Wilders will be Holland's next prime minister. In other words, Geert Wilders is an established, well-known, respected public servant in the Netherlands. Last week, a Dutch court made Wilders a convicted criminal. It convicted him of what amounts to "hate speech." It was the first time in that nation's history that a court ruled against freedom of speech ...
It is obvious that every dark force is trying to obliterate anything that pertains to Godliness & rigteousness ... on every level available!
“4 Indications That 2017 Could Be A Year Of Transition & Trouble”
Predictions aside, there are obvious trends, plots, and paradigm shifts that will continue onward into the new year, that geopolitical observers should be distinctively aware of. 1. The War in Syria is Not Over ... The United States conspired as early as 2007 to overthrow the government of Syria through the use of armed militants – particularly those aligned to Al Qaeda and who enjoy state sponsorship from America’s Persian Gulf allies. The goal of eliminating the Syrian government was not an isolated objective, but rather fits into a much larger geopolitical agenda ...Like the popular iconic saying goes ... "Fasten your seatbelt, it's going to be a bumpy ride".
“5 Stories The Mainstream Media Reported as Real, But They Were Fake”
“A Canadian Province Just Passed a Resolution for Universal Basic Income”
UBI FOR PEI - The government of Prince Edward Island (PEI) has taken a major step forward toward the implementation of a universal basic income (UBI) for citizens of the small Canadian province as state legislature has approved the proposed initiative. The four political party leaders in PEI unanimously supported the decision to work with the country’s government to establish a hopefully successful pilot program that could lower poverty, improve health, reduce crime, and raise education levels ...Is there a global governnment & new world order .... setting it's stage?
“America’s Role in the World 75 Years After Pearl Harbor”
The bombing of Pearl Harbor was a pivotal moment in U.S. and world history. The attack thrust the U.S. into World War II and set in motion a series of events that would transform the country into a global superpower and guardian of international order. Seventy-five years later, this legacy of Pearl Harbor now faces perhaps its biggest challenge. Japan killed 2,403 Americans on Dec. 7, 1941. More than 400,000 U.S. soldiers would die in the four years that followed. Their blood helped purchase the defeat of fascism in Europe and Asia and laid the foundation for a post-war international order made in America’s image ...
The horrors of war & what it perpetrates upon everyone, is another rollover of history ...
“Hell Hath Opened Her Mouth Wide”
There seems to be a great division on beliefs in the presence of what is called in the Bible, 'Hell" and if it actually exist. Just as Satan has propagated the supreme lie that he doesn't exist in the minds of those who are in rebellion against a Holy God, so does the same arch enemy of what is holy, tries to convince these same people that there is no such thing as "hell". Even some denominations and religious leaders diminish the horror of what hell ...
Few want to actually believe that God is righteous & just on every level of humanity. For the wages of sin, is death ...
“It’s the End of the World, Now What?”
Hal Lindsey’s been saying now for the better part of 50 years, that Christ’s return is imminent, but I fear that for many, apocalypse fatigue is setting in. The "Left Behind" series sparked a huge renewed interest into the idea of the Rapture and for what follows, but even that excitement seems to have faded. With all the geo-political, economic, and technological changes happening every day, modern man’s attention span is steadily decreasing ...
The key is be Rapture ready 24/7 ...
“North Dakota Access Pipeline to be Rerouted”
“Why Do So Many Americans Continue to Choose Junk Food Over Healthy Food?”
Even though more people than ever are switching to organic food and other healthier choices, the American diet in general remains very unhealthy. With obesity and its related health problems reaching epidemic proportions, many people wonder why Americans continue to make such bad choices when it comes to food...
Has this got to do with 'planned obsolesence' on our globe?
“Proof That The Elite Really Do Want A Global Society With No Possessions, No Privacy & No Freedom”
If you listen closely, the global elite are telling us exactly what they intend to do. If they get their way, our world is going to look vastly different than it does now in the not too distant future. These elitists share a dream of an environmentally-friendly dystopian socialist paradise in which individual freedom is severely restricted for the good of the collective. Where you live, what you do for a living, what you are allowed to eat and how many children you are permitted to have would all be determined by an all-powerful central government ...Start researching 'news' for yourself & don't believe everything you read just because it came from the typical news sources ... there is a PLAN & it is directly amimed at controlling all people, all natural resources, & all governments etc ...
“Google Timelapse Walks You Through Decades of Change in Seconds”
“Eternity 2.0”
Aubrey de Grey, gerontology researcher at the University of Cambridge (England), is famous for asserting (confidently) that the next few decades will see huge increases in human lifespans. His exact words, in fact, were, “the first person to live to be 1000 years old is certainly alive today”. Exclamation point! He has lots of company. But (as we know well from politics) reputation doesn’t necessarily equal results ...And we all shine on ... like the moon, & the stars, & the sun. NO? There is an END to life on this planet. But, there is a spiritual life in eternity according to God's plan.
“Amazon Just Successfully Completed Its First Flying Drone Delivery”
• An Amazon drone has successfully delivered an order to a customer in the U.K. after a flight of only thirteen minutes from the warehouse to his door. • Though drone-delivery trials are starting small, they could eventually help cut down on carbon emissions by reducing the number of delivery trucks used by companies like Amazon. Last November, internet retail giant Amazon announced plans to begin a new service, Amazon Prime Air, that would deliver customers’ orders within 30 minutes using drones ...How many of these will be allowed in the air at once & who is going to be controlling them & who will be 'hacking' them too?
“How the Iran deal, Syrian Civil War Prepares Hezbollah for Future of Terror”
Surveying the conflict in Syria over the last 6-plus years, it's not hard to find losing parties in the wreckage. Thousands of innocent children, civilians, doctors, first responders, and journalists fill casualty lists - non-combatant collateral damage. The Syrian Arab Army can't credibly claim to have "won," either, as both ISIS and non-ISIS rebel groups are still trying to bring down its regime. And ISIS itself - belatedly - appears to be losing ground ...The TERROR is already here & permeates the very atmosphere. The 'elitist' want everyone unsteady about everything & not able to see any real peace. It keeps everyone looking at everything other that the REAL important things in life. Loving GOD first & following GOD! That takes away from their power ...