As Bill Gates sees it, there are three main threats to our species: nuclear war, climate change and the next global pandemic. Speaking on pandemic preparedness at the Munich Security Conference earlier this year, Gates reminded us that “the fact that a deadly global pandemic has not occurred in recent history shouldn’t be mistaken for evidence that a deadly pandemic will not occur ...Today we are searching for cures of the deadly diseases that abound. NOW using computer technology to embellish the immune system by designing "custom" antiviral proteins to help the immune system overcome. God show us mercy & wisdom!
Future of unions in balance as Trump prepares to reshape national labor board ... Last October, employees of the Elderwood Nursing Home in Grand Island, New York, voted to unionize after years of dealing with short staffing, stagnant wages and problems with management. Six months later, the company has yet to come to the bargaining table, claiming that there are unresolved legal questions about whether licensed practical nurses can be part of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) ...Change is changing so fast ... that we can not even keep up without hurting what we have already built & without causing pain during such change.
The environmental advocacy group Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) on June 15 released a study about dietary lead exposure, with a focus on food intended for babies and young children. Using a Federal Drug Administration (FDA) database of food samples, EDF reported some pretty worrying numbers, most remarkably in fruit juice samples intended for children ...It's amazing how many agendas pass us by that we have no knowledge of, yet could possible have so much control of our life. Here is a report of of BIG AGENDA, little known or discussed!
“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.” ...There seems to be little that anyone can depend upon in our media news today. The dark spirit of lies & subtrefuge is all around us & it takes a spiritual focus by God's grace, to see the real truth & the real lies.
The world’s first ever winner of Integrity Idol has spoken to Apolitical about his victory - and how he raised the pass rate of school pupils in his district from 14% to more than 60% in a single year. Modelled on TV talent shows like Pop Idol, Integrity Idol celebrates public servants who have displayed outstanding dedication to the common good ...There are still bright spots of hope in our world today, with people who's agendas have not been given to the dark side. We need to actually 'look' for them & account that with God we too can add to the good part of life on this earth.
Six of the world’s biggest agricultural companies known as the "Big 6" may soon form a dangerous monopoly as interest in proposed mergers has become more pronounced in the last few years. For instance, Dow Chemical and DuPont proposed a merger in December 2015, but are slated to eventually separate their merged agriculture, materials science, and specialty products businesses into three independent and specialized firms...Is monopolizing the agricultural business going to stymie the creativtity needed to sustane human health, & produce a healthy food system for the next 50 years?
Not even during the worst parts of the last recession did things ever get this bad for the U.S. retail industry. As you will see in this article, more than 300 retailers have already filed for bankruptcy in 2017, and it is being projected that a staggering 8,640 stores will close in America by the end of this calendar year. That would shatter the old record by more than 20 percent. Sadly, our ongoing retail apocalypse appears to only be in the early chapters. One report recently estimated that up to 25 percent of all shopping malls in the country could shut down by 2022 due to the current woes of the retail industry ...The air of change is all around us. The business climate of norm has been overhauled & updated to perform on the global markets, but what a price we are all paying for their agendas.
Will having more wealth actually make you happier? According to a number of studies an addition to your income isn’t only unlikely to make you happier, but it can make those around you less happy, and you for the fear of losing it. To explain, we must first look at a study from the National Bureau of Economic Research. Two economists, David Blanchflower of Dartmouth and Andrew Oswald of Warwick, set out to document the relation that age has to overall happiness ...Discontentment is purposly orchestrated to fuel & control the minds in a global agenda of control. Without the presence of God in ones life, just having less will not be the answer either ... it all depends on what we let control our spirit.
In what turned out to be a rather disheartening social experiment, the Russian news site City Reporter only reported good news to its readers for an entire day. The site brought positive news stories to the front of its pages and found any and all silver linings in negative stories (“No disruption on the roads despite snow,” for example). The result was a smorgasbord of sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows—that absolutely no one wanted to read. The City Reporter lost two-thirds of its normal readership that day, according to a post by one of the editors on Facebook ...Good golly Miss Molly ... from one extreme to another! No, we don't like all the bad news, but we sure don't like all the good news either. Sounds like the spirit of man is born in darkness & without the infusion of God's spirit ... is always wandering.
It can take all night for this mountain park’s search and rescue team to find missing hikers – but thanks to new drone technology, a recent search was over in a matter of hours. The Douglas County Search and Rescue Team of Colorado were deployed on Thursday after two hikers and their dog found themselves lost in the woods of Devil’s Head mountain with their dog ...It is great to see our technological wonders working for the greater good. We know that some of our best 'techno' is used so often to perpetuate dark agendas. Such good agendas are out there, but truthfully ... harder to find!
What did Jesus mean in Matthew 18:10 when he said, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven”? He meant: Let the magnificence of every unimpressive Christian’s entourage of angels silence our scorn and awaken awe at the simplest children of God. To see this, let’s clarify, first, who “these little ones” are ...There is a lot of glib talk & teaching on angels, but we need to know that God has a very purposeful plan that many don't acknowledge. Too many superficial agendas concerning angels, try to cloud the truth. You will enjoy knowing God's agenda in the creation & exploit of His angels!
NEXT MONTH, AMAZON, Netflix, and dozens of other companies and organizations will host a “day of action” aimed at saving net neutrality as we know it. The Federal Communications Commission, meanwhile, is on the verge of revoking its own authority to enforce net neutrality rules, and the country's biggest telecommunications companies are cheering along. The future of the internet is on the line here, but it’s easy to be cynical about the conflict: What does it matter which set of giant corporations controls the internet ...The good, the bad, & the ugly. All depending on what's chosen, personally & collectively!
Oregon is now the first state to allow a third gender option on driver’s licenses. Starting July 1, people who identify as gender nonbinary—neither male nor female—can list their sex as “X” instead of “F” or “M.” The decision, approved by the Oregon Transportation Commission on Thursday, could affect thousands of people ...Man plans, God directs! Such diversities in personal sexual orientations ... is mankind seeking his own way & his own agenda; without the counsel of God or even caring for His written word given already.
Lean in to boredom, not your smart phone screen. You’ll learn more about yourself and the world around you than you think. Confessing to boredom is confessing to a character-flaw. Popular culture is littered with advice on how to shake it off: find like-minded people, take up a hobby, find a cause and work for it, take up an instrument, read a book, clean your house And certainly don’t let your kids be bored: enroll them in swimming, soccer, dance, church groups – anything to keep them from assuaging their boredom by gravitating toward sex and drugs ...Excuse me, I have to go ... I'm bored. YEAH?
They're big. They're filled with goo. And they're rapidly accumulating in a landfill near you. People love to complain about the wastefulness of meal-kit delivery companies like Blue Apron and Hello Fresh. The baggies that hold a single scallion! The thousands of miles of shipping! The endless cardboard boxes! Those problems are annoying, but ultimately they’re not environmental catastrophes ...As well meaning as we can try to be ... low level agendas still loom behind some of our greater entrepreneurial exercises.
"We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government." ― William O. Douglas, Supreme Court Justice, dissenting in Osborn v. United States, 385 U.S. 341 (1966) ... The government has become an expert in finding ways to sidestep what it considers "inconvenient laws" aimed at ensuring accountability and thereby bringing about government transparency and protecting citizen privacy ...Are we getting freedom from our technology? Or are we now starting to see darker & darker agendas leeching from them?
If you’re unfamiliar with the true meanings of these terms, then this article is for you! This article will examine what the shadow government is, what people and which companies fall within it, and how they gained so much control over the U.S. government and society in general. What Do “Shadow Government” and “Deep State” Mean? Shadow government and deep state are both political terms in a sense, as they’re used to define the groups of people who control the U.S. government ...The man behind the curtain may not be the 'wizard of oz' ... but then ... who is behind the curtain?