“Why 2017 Will Be Shaped By VR, AR, AI & Personalized Digital Assistants”
If you want to make predictions for the future, you need to find the trajectory of events in the past. So to work out what shape digital technology will likely take next year, we should look back to the major developments of 2016. And the past year’s developments point to a 2017 shaped by the next phase of virtual and augmented reality, the emergence of an internet for artificial intelligence and the creation of personalised digital assistants that follow us across devices ...With all our 'devises' we are able to know instant information ... yet it seems we neglect the hidden things of the heart that make our life or break our life.this means read me!
“Solving Paralysis”
“How Robots Could Help Chronically Ill Kids Attend School”
Over the past century, American schools have integrated an ever-more-diverse group of students. Racial integration is most prominent, but it’s not just Native Americans, blacks and Latinos who have been brought into public education. Schools today serve children with conditions on the autism spectrum, Down syndrome and many other medical issues. But there is one group of children who still cannot attend school: those with serious chronic illnesses ...How extraordinary to be able to help with our creative technology. It all depends of the human spirit behind all the technology!
“This is Robot 2017 HD New”
“New AI Can Write & Rewrite Its Own Code to Increase Its Intelligence”
A company has developed a type of technology that allows a machine to effectively learn from fewer examples and refine its knowledge as further examples are provided. This technology could be applied to everything from teaching a smartphone to recognize a user's preferences to helping autonomous driving systems quickly identify obstacles. The old adage that practice makes perfect applies to machines as well, as many of today’s artificially intelligent devices rely on repetition to learn ...Our technical creations are only as good as the human spirit behind any of it's created devises.
“We Need a Plan for When AI Becomes Smarter Than Us”
There will come a time when artificial intelligence systems are smarter than humans. When this time comes we will need to build more AI systems to monitor and improve current systems. This will lead to a cycle of AI creating better AI, with little to no human involvement. When Apple released its software application, Siri, in 2011, iPhone users had high expectations for their intelligent personal assistants. Yet despite its impressive and growing capabilities, Siri often makes mistakes. The software’s imperfections highlight the clear limitations of current AI: today’s machine intelligence can’t understand the varied and changing needs and preferences of human life ...Who is going to create a 'smarter' human being to be able to monitor the 'smarter' AI's?
“Answer This Question And You’ll Easily Understand The Next 4 Years”
It’s not always in life where you can narrow down the future to a simple question or two, but in the case of American politics you can do just that. It should be in our interest to enjoy life and live life with a free and healthy mind. Knowing what determines the future and having a solid foundation for predicting it is very much a part of that mental health ...If you really want to know about tomorrow - read your BIBLE today!
“IBM Watson: How it Works”
“Start-up Nation & Silicon Wadi: Israel’s Hi-Tech Miracle”
“Israel represents the greatest concentration of innovation and entrepreneurship in the world today,” wrote Dan Senor & Saul Singer in their book, 'Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle', published in 2009. Their claim remains well-supported: Israel’s surge in high-tech enterprise, though dramatic, has not been sudden ... Human-animal mutant creatures make for great material for science fiction writers, but we aren’t supposed to be creating them in the real world. In so many ways, the technological advancements that we have made as a society are outpacing our ability to handle those advancements, and this field is certainly a glaring example of that reality. Just because we can create human-animal hybrid chimeras does not mean that we should. Genetic modification is a particularly dangerous science ... According to a study by the British think tank, Reform, robots could potentially replace 90 percent of federal workers, a transition that would save the government an estimated $8 billion per year. The study indicates that robots would be much more efficient than humans when it comes to data collection, processing paperwork and other routine tasks ... It is an interesting question, and the reason I attended the 106th edition of the National Retail Federation Big Show (NRF) to attempt to uncover the latest technology trends in the retail industry including Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), & Artificial Intelligence (AI) ... This week, a computer accomplished something most experts thought would not be possible for at least a decade. A specially designed software from Google’s DeepMind project called “AlphaGo” beat a human player at a board game far more complicated and reliant of human intuition than chess. Not only that, the human that the computer beat at the game “Go”—in two separate games—happens to be the best player in the world. The story is just the latest in a series of breakthroughs—from Siri to self-driving cars—that show just how rapidly the field of Artificial Intelligence is advancing ...
While we have heard the words AI and VR for years, now is the time to understand that they may significantly change your business. Discussions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) inevitably evoke descriptive images of a room full of gamers. But, AI and VR will change the way you communicate and do business. Most business leaders are not quite sure yet how AI and VR are relevant to their companies ....
Will machine intelligence revolutionize human civilization—or bring it to the brink of destruction? What does the future portend for mankind? Will science find a way to externalize and even surpass human intelligence through mechanical means, leading to ever-increasing prosperity and leisure? Or will scientific progress quickly lead to human doom? When God made Adam and Eve, the first two human beings, He made them with great potential. Unlike all the other creatures of the world, only humans did He make in His own image (Genesis 1:26–27), gifting them with amazing talents, capabilities, intelligence and creativity ...Israel is still the 'apple of God's eye'. The only reason Israel has never been completely destroyed is God's sovereign protection & end time prophesies & His plans.
“The Era Of Human-Animal Hybrid Chimeras Has Begun”
With all our intelligent brain power & scientific endeavors & what they can accomplish ... and they come up with this? God have mercy! Who do you really presume is instigating these diabolical scenarios?
“Study: Robots Could Soon Replace Most Government Workers”
We have seen exactly how robots have been replacing people & job requirements in real time & this is only going to increase. What is purposed & planned for all the people who are still going to need jobs to support themselves & their familes? Is this part of the 'elites' planned economic obsolences of in the control of the masses?
We know end time events are happening all the time now. Stay sharp!
“Tiny Flying
Drone is Used to Pick up Pollen From a Lily Flower”
“Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality & Artificial Intelligence”
You can see how far everyone is willing to go with this new cyberspace tecnology. We are only started to reap the reprecussions.
Ecclesiastes 3:21
“What Does the Rise of Artificial Intelligence Mean for Christian Theology?”
Must take into consideration according to the plans of God & not just according to man's plans & what he thinks he can devise.
James 2:26
“This VR Could Walk Doctors Through the Patient’s Body”
Toni Sorenson
“The Avatar God”
Proverbs 20:27
“Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality Are About to Transform Business”
We will see the good, the bad, & the ugly in this transition.
“Smart Glasses for the Masses & AR/VR, too!”
“Artificial Intelligence: Promise or Peril?”
To misuse the creative talents provided by our Great Creator, leads to distruction in one form or another, spiritually, soulfully, & or naturally!
“Chinese Factory Replaces 90% of Human Workers with Robots%”
Chinese factory replaces 90% of human workers with robots. Production rises by 250%, defects drop by 80% ... After a factory in Dongguan, China, replaced most of its workers with robots, it witnessed a spectacular rise in productivity. While some of the world’s leaders are obsessed with keeping people out of their country, an unspoken entity is slowly but certainly taking our jobs: robots. It’s been long discussed that robots and computers will start taking our jobs ...
Science fiction likes to depict robots as autonomous machines, capable of making their own decisions and often expressing their own personalities. Yet we also tend to think of robots as property, and as lacking the kind of rights that we reserve for people. The report acknowledged that improvements in the autonomous and cognitive abilities of robots makes them more than simple tools, and makes ordinary rules on liability, such as contractual and tort liability, insufficient for handling them ... Recently, some of the top minds in AI and related fields got together to discuss how we can ensure AI remains beneficial throughout this transition, and the result was the Asilomar AI Principles document. The intent of these 23 principles is to offer a framework to help artificial intelligence benefit as many people as possible ...
Sitting just of off a drab ring road, under the ceaseless roar of airplanes taking off and landing at London’s Heathrow airport stands a large imposing yet strangely anonymous building. It is only on closer inspection that you start to notice the intimidating 20ft razor wire covering fences that surround it beyond its facade. This is Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre, Europe’s largest detention centre ... Ready for the next chapter in the continuing saga of technology siring big-time business disruption? This year’s SXSW Interactive conference left little doubt of the protagonists: virtual reality and artificial intelligence. Companies ranging from startups to Samsung and McDonalds (yes, McDonalds) plunged attendees into an alternate reality that let them fly, ski, speed, and explore—and even decorate the inside of a Happy Meal box ...As if the human race is beaten up & exploited enough ... we will have robots to do that job too!
“Humans Must Merge With Machines”
1 Corinthians 2:11
“Future Robots May be Considered “Electronic Persons”
A world gone haywire is only going to produce a contium in technology that will go haywire as well. We can only produce what is within the human spirit. And, if the human spirit does not have it's foundation in God, don't expect any different results.
“How Do We Align Artificial Intelligence with Human Values?”
Our human intelligence SHOULD be connected with our human spirit that SHOULD be connected to GOD!
“Tough Poker Player: Brains Vs. AI Update”
1 Thessalonians 5:23
“Virtual Reality: A Communication Of Human Experience”
Buckele up ... this is going to be a bumpy ride.
“VR & AI Will Lead The Next Major Round Of Digital Disruption”
With this extraordinary push in such technologies we will see a ripple effect upon other avenues of life.