While those at the top of the heap are getting richer than ever, millions upon millions of Americans are struggling more than ever before. As a general institution, jobs for the masses increasingly feature frozen wages, evaporating benefits, part time hours, and less than stellar opportunities ...this bubble means read me!The Bible tells us that in the last days there were going to come difficult times. People will be self absorbed & lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive ... recognize what we are living in? Problems are escalating & it is the '99% 'ers' who once again end up paying the price!
In its ongoing bid to combat fake news, Google follows Facebook in announcing new technology to help curb spread of misinformation Google is to start displaying fact-checking labels in its search results to highlight news and information that has been vetted and show whether it is considered to be true or false, as part of its efforts to help combat the spread of misinformation and fake news ...Nowadays we have to read at least a half a dozen news sources - to hopefully be able to end up with some of the real truth. Trouble is most people believe the news carte blanche - without checking into it's veracity! It is really to the point that there is a news media overload on all levels.
The smartest insight and analysis, from all perspectives, rounded up from around the web: Corporate America almost uniformly craves tax reform. But businesses are deeply split over whether to support the "centerpiece of the Republican tax overhaul effort," said Nicholas Confessore and Alan Rappeport at The New York Times. House Speaker Paul Ryan has proposed a "border adjustment tax" that would put a 20 percent tax on imports coming into the U.S. ...No matter how diligent our government tries to unite, there seems to be a perpetual eroding & breaking down of our humanitarian efforts & structures instead.
Kasperksy, a cybersecurity and anti-virus provider, collected predictions from experts, futurists, and general members of the internet community on how the world will look by the year 2050 to celebrate the company's 20th anniversary. While companies like Microsoft and IBM have presented their own visions for the near future, Kaspersky labs, an anti-virus software company, has presented its predictions for the year 2050 in order to mark the company’s 20th anniversary ...It is quite apparent that no one is really reading their Bible, nor do many believe's in God's Prophectic Time Line ...
Irina Bokova, the director-general of UNESCO, which last year passed a motion denying the Jewish connection to Jerusalem, shocked many last week when she publicly affirmed the Jews’ historic connection to the Holy City. “In the Torah, Jerusalem is the capital of King David, where Solomon built the Temple and placed the Ark of the Covenant ...Can you believe the headlines sometimes? Mankind is so arrogant they actually think they can outwit the Creator of the Universe. God aready declared Jerusalem the Capital & man declared the State of Isreal.
Silicon Valley is engineering your phone, apps and social media to get you hooked, says a former Google product manager. Have you ever wondered if all those people you see staring intently at their smartphones -- nearly everywhere, and at all times -- are addicted to them? According to a former Google product manager you are about to hear from, Silicon Valley is engineering your phone, apps and social media to get you hooked. He is one of the few tech insiders to publicly acknowledge that the companies responsible for programming your phones are working hard ... I recently interviewed Lawrence Golbom, author of 'Not Safe As Prescribed'. Rosenberg: I found Not Safe as Prescribed to be a page turner. You captured the Pharma marketing apparatus from creating new “diseases,” bribing doctors and duping the FDA to phony patient groups, misleading research and the revolving doors between government officials and industry. You also really showed the connection to today’s heroin epidemic. Did you have to do a lot of research to get so many details right? Golbom: Well, really the facts are out there ... Enzymes, the catalysts of biology, can engulf and break down hundreds of nerve agent molecules per second. A chemical weapons attack that killed more than 80 people, including children, triggered the Trump administration’s recent missile strikes against the Syrian government. The use of illegal nerve agents – apparently by the Assad regime – violated international law – President Trump said he was moved to act by images of the victims’ horrible deaths. But there’s another path to mitigate the danger of chemical weapons ... Even before Obamacare was brought to the table — which made medical coverage more complicated for most consumers and medical providers — an attempt was made to take back real doctoring by eliminating complicated billing and insurance code allowances and replacing them with cash only payments for various treatments. Starting in 1995, a few Seattle, Washington M.D.s established a practice of concierge medicine where clients would pay a monthly, quarterly, or annual out-of-pocket cash fee, similar to attorney retainers ... Twenty-five years ago, a California jury failed to convict four cops accused of savagely beating a black man. What sounds today like an all-too-common story was anything but back then. The verdict triggered massive unrest and, within a week, parts of Los Angeles had gone up in smoke and 55 people had died. So what made this case of police brutality different? The beating of Rodney King was caught on tape. Fast-forward to this month, when a passenger on a United Airlines flight was asked to give up his seat to make room for a crew member who had to get to Louisville ...
Yann Lecun once built an AI chip called ANNA. But he was 25 years ahead of his time. The year was 1992, and LeCun was a researcher at Bell Labs, the iconic R&D lab outside New York City. He and several other researchers designed this chip to run deep neural networks—complex mathematical systems that can learn tasks on their own by analyzing vast amounts of data—but ANNA never reached the mass market ... Welcome to California. It is a state of a perfect set of laws – at least in the minds of those wedded to the legislative pursuit of social justice. Under the one-party Democrat rules, spending on fairness tops $100 billion every year. Meanwhile, the basic infrastructure of the state, so necessary for the economy long and short term, is collapsing ..."Resistance is futile. You will be assimulated." quote from StarTrek The Borg ... Let us not be fooled, just because these devises look & seem so fantastic it does not mean we should become habitually attached to them & unable to live & enjoy life ... WITHOUT THEM! Come on, who controls what?
this bubble means read me!A rotten horrible deceptive trick has been played on people - making their perscription drugs a death sentence & not a cure at all.
Can it get any more diabolical than this? With the power of such chemical warfare, now 'the powers to be' need to create a cure! We go from the sane to the insane very quickly & without missing a blink.
Breaking away from the monster insurance corporations is a big step in helping each of us personally ... keep our own individual identity.
Ephesians 4:13
We have each become a 'unit' within a vast survellance state & it actually works sometimes toward unity in making the truth come forward for the masses & the real individual.
Rowan Williams
Acts 2:46
Acts 4:24
this bubble means read me!It seems that all of our great technological advancements in bringing a sense of unity are becoming monsters. Monster that feed off from all of our personal freedoms. Soon real personal freedoms will disapper.
This is one city out of dozens that are struggeling to maintain & the list keeps getting longer & longer. For shame USA!
America must check the assertive, rising powers of Russia and China before it’s too late. Accepting spheres of influence is a recipe for disaste. Think of two significant trend lines in the world today. One is the increasing ambition and activism of the two great revisionist powers, Russia and China. The other is the declining confidence, capacity, and will of the democratic world, and especially of the United States, to maintain the dominant position it has held in the international system since 1945. As those two lines move closer, as the declining will and capacity of the United States and its allies to maintain the present world order meet the increasing desire and capacity of the revisionist powers ... Take a look around you. From the products you use to wash your hair and brush your teeth, to the clothing you wear, and the foods filling up your refrigerator and pantry, your buying habits have a huge impact on the world. For many of us, we have the luxury to live comfortably in our developed countries. We are subject to a culture of consumerism. We are given the opportunity, on a daily basis, to choose from so many different things ... Alex Steffen once wrote that "the answer to the problem of the American car is not under the hood, and we're not going to find a bright green future by looking there." Perhaps the most hilarious proof of his thesis is the parking lot at Tesla headquarters, where the rapidly growing company cannot accommodate all the cars that its employees drive to work ... An unprecedented trial conducted by a U.S. biotechnology company is attempting to resurrect the clinically dead. Bioquark Inc. has been granted permission to recruit 20 patients who have been declared clinically dead due to traumatic brain injury. The researchers will try to bring certain parts of the central nervous system back to life through a combination of innovative therapies, including injecting peptides into the spinal cord daily, injecting stem cells into the brain twice a week, transcranial laser therapy and nerve stimulation techniques ...
Men behind the curtain? Men who control the government and its policies from the outside? Men who have immunity from prosecution?
Men who tell presidents what to do? Men who can hide in plain sight? Men who don’t need to be elected to public office? Men who can laugh at their critics and call them conspiracy theorists and purveyors of fake news? Men who can determine financial and banking policy? Men who can set up corporate tribunals that nullify national courts? Men who can set virtually any national policy agenda they want to? ... Scientists have made some incredible new discoveries on how our minds can literally affect our biology, especially through the study of epigenetics, the brach of science that looks at how inherited changes of phenotype (appearance) or gene expression are caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence. Instead of looking at DNA as the only factor controlling our biology, scientists are also looking at what’s actually controlling the DNA, which includes our thoughts. We receive genetic instructions from our DNA, passed down through generations, but the environment we live in can also make genetic changes ...For as much as we strive & organize for unity our whole global system has been working against it from day 1. Until the heart of mankind changes there will never be unity within or between nations - that only comes in the prophetic time table when Christ sets up His Government.
Great example of unity within separate units of business that are actually working for a change.
If this is not the ultimate contradition in the process of unifying our super human intelligence, gone hay wire ... I don't know what is!
Acts 8:6
this bubble means read me!The quest to control our environment & quality of life in expanding life ... is taking off in a whole new avenue! We are becoming our own guinea pigs in more ways than one.
Philippians 2:2
There have always been 'power grabs' & plots throughtout history that make Atila the Hun look normal. What we see now is all evil called good & all good called evil. For such a time as this ... we see end time prophecies coming to pass in real time ... dispite the fake news or any news!
God's word has told us about this long before the our scientist were able to reveal this giant discovery: "... visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third & fourth generation" Numbers 14:18. Our Creative Designer has imbued the coarse of time in our very DNA ... selah!