The U.S. medical paradigm shuffles pills to treat symptoms, not looking for causes. Pharmaceutical TV ads announce death as a side effect. If you refuse dangerous treatment protocols for an ill child, you risk medical kidnapping. Disclose.tv reports doctors have misdiagnosed cancer just to make money. Medical error is the third leading cause of death in America, says Npr.org ...Awakening to the truth that our socieity is full of darkness & Satan's cohorts are really plowing thru to destroy in this day & time... IS ... a turning point in any chrisitans faith. Pray the Holy Spirit give you guidiance in God's overcoming power!
If we look at the long list of astronauts to share their knowledge and beliefs about UFOs, as well as intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that are or have been visiting our planet, the list is quite long and it never seems to stop growing. Apollo 14 astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, told us that there “have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” ...We must learn to discern the real truth about anything the news reports!
Homebuilders are making homes smarter but it's all getting so complicated. According to Jacob Atalla of KB Home, “The best way to predict the future is to make it.” So he and others in the building industry often build model concept homes to test out ideas. Michele Lerner of the Washington Post talks to a few people in the industry to get a sense of what’s coming next ...As smart as mankind has become in so many areas in this day & time ... we must have discernment to be wise on what we spend on the technology of the day.
When Hurricane Maria knocked out power in Puerto Rico, residents there realized they were going to need physical cash — and a lot of it. Bloomberg reported yesterday that the Fed was forced to fly a planeload of cash to the Island to help avert disaster ; Abolishing cash, of course, has become 'de rigueur' among mainstream economists who have long argued that physical cash is an impediment to “nontraditional” ...Globally, we have come to the point of exploitation in almost every commodity available & in this day & time it looks like our Global leaders have painted us into a proverbial corner, for a buck.
The “direct primary care” movement is attracting physicians sick of red tape. And it’s transforming the doctor-patient relationship. One of the most profound changes brought about by the Affordable Care Act is that it drove thousands of independent doctors to throw in the towel and join large hospital networks. This is particularly true of primary care doctors ...In this day & time ... the act of Drs. annexing from the mainframe of the cost of medical health care - is affording Drs. of all types to have localized practices for the benefit of all concerned. Hopefully corporate medical care will be modeled to spread the burden for medical coverage for all.
In a controversy that can only be described as hilariously ironic, Boston-based bank and asset manager State Street Corp – which famously created and installed the “fearless girl” statue, purportedly symbolizing Wall Street’s progress toward gender equality in the workplace – to be a symbol of Wall Street’s progress toward gender equality, earlier this year – has agreed to pay $5 million to settle claims that it systematically underpaid female and minority employees, according to the New York Post ...OH, HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN ... Hip Hip Hooray!
The amount unaccounted for over this period adds up to $65,000 for each man, woman and child resident in America. By comparison, the cost per taxpayer of all U.S. wars waged since 9/11 has been $7,500 per taxpayer. The sum is also larger than the current national debt. Last year, a Reuters article brought renewed scrutiny to the budgeting practices of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), specifically the U.S. Army, after it was revealed that the department had “lost” $6.5 trillion in 2015 due to “wrongful budget adjustments.” ...With such devastating truths coming to light in this day & time ... we can only surmise the amount of deceitfulness that has been swept under the carpets, unseen & unoticed.
The more I do research into the realms of high tech, electromagnetic frequencies and artificial intelligence, the more I wonder if the control freaks who run those domains really know what they are doing. I say that because I feel it’s becoming patently obvious daily as to what’s going on within the spheres of control, money and power, e.g., ordinary citizens finally are waking up and catching on to the ‘games’ being played upon us and to which we are experiments or research projects ...In this day & time, just the knowing of this should send shivers down our spine! This isn't the House of Mirrors in a Carnaval show ... or will it be used for that?
Last year, the results of a German study on insect populations foretold of a massive global die-off in many inspect species. Now, scientists are sounding the alarm again following a new study, and warning that we are “on course for ecological Armageddon. “Insects make up about two-thirds of all life on Earth [but] there has been some kind of horrific decline. We appear to be making vast tracts of land inhospitable to most forms of life, and are currently on course for ecological Armageddon ...Alarming & Disarming! News like this is not talked about in our regular news outlets around the world!
It seems as though the more we experiment with robotics, the more the classic 1984 film Terminator becomes something much more than just a fictional story produced in Hollywood. Scientists today have found ways to develop robots that can speak and think in ways eerily similar to those of real human beings, robotic animals that can strut across practically any terrain with ease, and even technologically advanced equipment that could one day lead to super strong humanoid robots ...For such a time as this ... God I'm ready to leave!
The Silk Leaf project consists of chloroplasts suspended in a matrix made out of silk protein. The material is extracted directly from the fibres of silk, Melchiorri explains. “This material has an amazing property of stabilising molecules. I extracted chloroplasts from plant cells and placed them inside this silk protein. As an outcome I have the first photosynthetic material that is living and breathing as a leaf does” ...Mankind needs to mimic God more.
Most readers (and certainly this writer) will likely never visit the exorbitantly priced Dubai, which might make the following story seem less threatening. However, Dubai is emerging as the perfect insulated testing ground for a range of high-tech applications that could very well spread to many corners of the world in the near future ...Man plans ... God directs!
The Second Amendment is one of the most frequently cited provisions in the American Constitution, but also one of the most poorly understood. The 27 words that constitute the Second Amendment seem to baffle modern Americans on both the left and right. Ironically, those on both ends of our contemporary political spectrum cast the Second Amendment as a barrier to robust gun regulation ...The simplicity of truth in our Founding Fathers should not be negated, but supplemented for the technology of this day & time.
Early in his career, chef Tarik Abdullah wanted to do more than work in a restaurant. It has been more than 20 years since he found his calling while volunteering as a children’s cooking instructor. Since then, his devotion hasn’t waned. The Seattle native has worked tirelessly to share his passion with his community over the years. ...We should know in this day & time that caring for our children sets the stage for each of them to know how to care in their adulthood for their generation.
According to worldatlas.com: "As a generally accepted explanation, the suffix 'stan' is an ancient Persian and/or Farsi word meaning country, nation, land, or place of, so, the country name of Afghanistan would then mean 'homeland' of the Afghans, or 'place' of the Afghans." The atlantic.com says, "There are seven countries in Central Asia with the suffix '-stan': Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The suffix comes from the Persian root 'istan,' or 'land'-hence the 'land of the Uzbeks,' 'land of the Kazakhs,' and so forth." ...Does it get much clearer than this? Low visibility in this day & time!