If a steel truth exists in decades of technological innovation, it rests firmly in the convenience provided society — indeed, while the mother of invention had long been named necessity, a prodigious marketplace bolstered iniquitously by acceptance of planned obsolescence ensured materialism had supplanted anything honorable as the true American Way. Whether society’s placating soma of an obsession with stuff and things was engineered by the political upper echelons or fell, in some nightmarish fluke, at the feet of frothy-mouthed surveillance hawks, perhaps matters not an iota, considering the State probably has more eyes in your home than does your family ...What else are we so willing to give up in our reality today ... for the sake of convenience? Are we really that shallow that we cannot see how this will have a far reaching permanent affect upon everyones's destiny?
The word “collectivism” sounds old-fashioned today. It’s supposed to. It’s supposed to sound like a label from a bygone age when people were combing US government offices for hidden Soviet spies. Collectivism is tied to other obsolete slogans like “Better dead than Red” and “America, love it or leave it.” In other words, we’re supposed to think collectivism was simply a trendy idea that ran out of steam. You know, a bunch of crazy paranoids were warning everybody the sky was falling, but it wasn’t ...Life is all about facing your reality & finding your destiny. Life is also all about facing your destiny & finding your reality.
The golden age of traditional restaurants is coming to an end. Changes in consumer habits, the digital revolution, and the emergence of new delivery platforms have caused a seismic shift in the food service and restaurant industry in the last decade. Once popular casual-dining chains like Applebee’s, TGI Fridays, and Chili’s have been the hardest hit. The food service and restaurant industry are rapidly changing, and restaurants are now competing with not just their direct competitors. Alternative outlets, like grocery stores selling prepared meals, online delivery platforms, and meal-kit companies, are also grabbing market share ...That reality of a golden age is over & over on many levels. Humanity is experiencing its ultimate breakdown ... its collapse from within.
“An exercise designed to prepare the US for a high-tech end-of-days scenario has just ended in preparation for a threat that is growing as America’s enemies focus on these attacks that could cripple America. Government efforts in this area are increasing and as one expert put it, “It is not a matter of ‘if, but a matter of ‘when’ ...The world's reality today has such apocalyptic scenes & it is becoming the norm. Yet we seem to fail to accept God's timetable for our destiny ... is actually coming to fruition!
In an era of fast fashion, fast food and fast internet, the old ways of doing business just don’t cut it. As more consumers shift to online shopping and business at many brick-and-mortar retailers slows, layoffs become inevitable. According to data compiled by outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas, job cuts so far in 2017 have been retail-heavy, a phenomenon known as “retail apocalypse.” ...Reality often hurts & hurts many!
Another week, another big headline about big money going into clean meats." Katherine has written before about Memphis Meats, the California start-up which is aiming to commercialize the growing of replacement meats from cells that are harvested from live animals.
The company has already produced products like chicken, duck and beef—albeit at incredibly expensive cost. Katherine reported, for example, that a pound of chicken costs US $9,000 currently, but they are aiming for $3-$4 per pound by 2021. Given that the company claims 90% fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and land and water than conventionally-produced meat, one can assume that this lower footprint should—eventually—lead to lower production costs too ...Where's the meat ??? Are we living in a surreal'commercial'?
We’re all being played. The so-called “Alt-Left” & “Alt-Right” are all rooted in elaborate, deadly street theater being played out on the national stage with real consequences (such as killing innocents on camera). If you have been swept up into the engineered hatred of all this, you’ve been suckered by the globalists who are running this entire show. In truth, most people in America aren’t filled with hatred for others of different skin color, races, religions or genders. Most people just want to get along. But the goal of the Alt-Left and Alt-Right movements is to divide and conquer America through hatred and media lies that push false narratives for political gain ...Right side reality, Left side reality ... we seem to believe whatever the 'News' throws at us. It is all a smoke screen & we are the ones left gaging in the smoke!
There is plastic in every major ocean basin on Earth - In 1950, plastic was a rarity. Today, plastic is everywhere – in our homes, cars, streets, landfills, and oceans. Scientists recently calculated how much plastic humans have produced since that year, and the conclusion is mind-boggling: 9 billion tons, or 8.3 billion metric tons. A study published July 19, 2017 in the journal Science Advances reveals that plastics production has risen at a compound annual growth rate of 8.4% in the last 67 years, more than 2.5 times the rise in the global gross domestic product ...Common sense has left our reality & mankind's greed has won it's destiny.
Can you use specific nutrients to improve your mental health? Yes, you can. William Walsh, Ph.D., president of the nonprofit Walsh Research Institute in Naperville, Illinois, and author of “Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain,” specializes in nutrient-based psychiatry and nutritional medicine. He and I are both fellows of the American College of Nutrition. He’s designed nutritional programs for Olympic athletes, NBA players and major league baseball players. More importantly, he’s spent a great deal of his career seeking to improve mental health through nutrition ...Reality check! The monsters are not under our beds anymore ...
The only way many Venezuelans are able to eat is to walk to neighboring Colombia for a meal. Around 25,000 desperate Venezuelans are walking across the Simon Bolivar International Bridge daily in search of something to eat, the Associated Press reported. “Those of us here on the border are seeing their pain,” Colombian citizen Paulina Toledo said. Toledo volunteers at a kitchen that feeds up to 900 people at a time in Cucuta — just across the border from Venezuela. A Catholic shelter, the Case de Paso, serves up to 2,000 meals a day in Cucuta ...Who's running what? How much devastation & pain & hunger must go on?
The UK is slowly, but surely, becoming an less popular place to live and work. The latest figures show that net migration—the difference between the number of immigrants entering the UK and those leaving—has fallen to its lowest level in three years. Net migration stood at 246,000 as of today (Aug. 24), according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). That’s 81,000 lower than the 327,000 recorded in March 2016. Net migration has fallen steadily since Britain’s historic decision to leave the European Union (EU). The drop in migration was largely driven by an increase in the number of EU migrants leaving the UK. Around 33,000 EU citizens left from March 2016 to March 2017. The vast majority were Eastern European migrants—citizens from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia (known as EU8 citizens). EU15 Citizens ...What once was in our European sister countries has fanished & a vengeful reality is quickly taking over ...
Hurricane Irma is now bearing down on Florida. It is so powerful, the weather community doesn't even have an accurate classification for it. There's no such thing as a Category 6 hurricane, so they're calling it a "Catastrophic 5!" Last night, a magnitude 8 earthquake rocked the southern coast of Mexico. It was felt in Cancun, 1,700 miles away. Two weeks ago, Hurricane Harvey battered Southeast Texas. In its aftermath, an unimaginable flood fell on the U.S. Gulf coast. Experts are calling it a "thousand-year flood!" ...Believe it or not ... this world is going exactly the way the BIBLE & it's PROPHECIES said it would. Reality & destiny happening every day!
A new study has found that three-fourths of the human genome is non-functional or “junk DNA,” which might mean it doesn’t do anything … or it could just mean that scientists have no idea what it is used for yet ...Perhaps God knows ... since He created us!
Hidden in Plain View: The New World Order in Bible Prophecy ... John Lennon would be proud. His one-world system that he imagined in 1971 is rushing into existence. It’s hiding in plain view. Its goals and leaders are not even subtle ...Believe it or not ... this world is going exactly the way the BIBLE & it's PROPHECIES said it would. Reality & destiny happening every day!
If you aren’t already purchasing organic or GMO-free rice, you should be. Rice that has been engineered with actual human genes is on its way to a supermarket near you. In Junction City, Kansas, this human gene-tainted rice is being grown on 3,200 acres by the biotechnology company Ventria Bioscience ...Our high tech scientist are literally altering our reality using our food system & could prove not to be for the general welfare of mankind.
Research pair suggest global warming almost completely natural (Update) ... Australian biologist and climate science denialist Jennifer Marohasy and computer scientist John Abbot have published a paper in the journal GeoResJ outlining their study of climate change using neural network technology — their results show that the climate changes the world is now experiencing are almost completely natural. Marohasy offers an additional explanation and outline of their work on her blog ...You say potatoe & I say potato! The reality speaks for itself.
Hit by sluggish sales, once beloved fashion brands are seeking new avenues for growth ... U.S. luxury fashion brands continue to underperform in sales growth and profitability. They have lagged behind other consumer sectors in adjusting to the new world defined by tech savvy millennials. As the gap between winners and losers continues ...Taking the middle out of anything causes a lot of problems for the top & the bottom!
In the Scriptures, we are specifically told that one of the reasons why God created the sun and the moon was so that they could serve as “signs”. The following is what Genesis 1:14 tells us ... "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years" ...Hang on to your hat ... the ride is not over quite yet ...