• In seeking regulatory approval for its planned use of office space in San Francisco, a Neuralink employee said the company was looking to house rodents and conduct operations "for in vivo testing." • Elon Musk has said Neuralink will initially focus on providing brain implants to people with disabilities. But he has not talked about testing on animals. • Neuralink, a company cofounded by Elon Musk that aims to develop brain implants for boosting people's mental capabilities, had plans to test products on animals, according to a new report ...
A new study links restaurant meals with higher levels of plastic-based chemicals in the body. Americans are increasingly putting their money where their mouth is—and eating out more than ever before. Back in 1970, Americans only spent 26 percent of all their food expenses at restaurants or cafeterias. In 2014, that number rose to 44 percent. Today, about half of the country more than half of total US food dollars is spent at restaurants, according to the US Department of Agriculture. Now, a new study published Wednesday in the journal Environment International suggests that Americans’ habit of eating out could be costing us more than a portion of our paychecks ...
Scientific technocrat Edward O. Wilson’s book “Half Earth” entertains the idea of of giving half the earth to humans and half the earth back to natural habitat. Considering only the ‘human’ half can be used for our resources this would require a major reduction in the human species. Here’s a quote about his book: “…leave about half the Earth’s surface mostly free of humans, so wild plants and animals can live there unimpeded as they did for so long before humans arrived. Same with the oceans, by the way; about a third of our food comes from the sea, so the seas have to be healthy too.” ...
A Swedish funeral agency called Fenix intends to experiment with creating “digital copies” of the deceased, and they’re looking for volunteers. Don’t get too excited. Yet. The agency’s first order of business is to focus strictly on text, which would mimic the personality of the deceased and answer simple questions, maybe talk about the weather, not unlike common chat bots. They do hope to eventually move on to replicating speech, though, as well as images. At the moment, they’re looking for ten currently living individuals to “donate” their likenesses, in the form of audio and video recordings, which they’ll use to create the replica chat bots ...
The purpose of a modern military is hopefully not to go out and fight people outright but to scare them from attacking you, thus keeping the peace. At least, that’s how nuclear deterrence works. On the other side, the Department of Defense has also developed what it calls a Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program (JNLWP), whose purpose is to create weapons and other contraptions that can incapacitate but not kill their targets, reports Defense One. One device that the lab is making is an energy weapon that can use lasers to create the Laser-Induced Plasma Effect, which allows it to alter atoms and create words out of thin air ...
WASHINGTON – It’s one of the most popular new hallucinogenic drugs being smoked by young people around the world, with many users reporting “spiritual encounters” with entities that sound a lot like demons. And now, Johns Hopkins University is studying the alarming effects of DMT, or Dimethyltryptamine, asking volunteers who have taken the drug about encounters they may have had with “seemingly autonomous beings or entities.” ...
I grew up in a Christian home, where a photo of Jesus hung on my bedroom wall. I still have it. It is schmaltzy and rather tacky in that 1970s kind of way, but as a little girl I loved it. In this picture, Jesus looks kind and gentle, he gazes down at me lovingly. He is also light-haired, blue-eyed, and very white. The problem is, Jesus was not white. You’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise if you’ve ever entered a Western church or visited an art gallery. But while there is no physical description of him in the Bible, there is also no doubt that the historical Jesus, the man who was executed by the Roman State in the first century CE, was a brown-skinned, Middle Eastern Jew ...
The programs are long and intense, the creativity and relationships aspect of the vocation has been eroded, there is pervasive negativity in the media, and comparatively poor salary and working conditions. The oldest profession – teaching – is no longer attractive. The Queensland Deans of Education revealed there have been alarming drops in first preference applications for this year’s teacher preparation courses. Queensland has experienced an overall 26% drop. Most alarmingly, UQ reported a 44% plunge ...
A while back, I came across this letter that reached out and touched my heart I feel a real need to share it and my prayer is it will give you hope and inspiration in this troubled world. The message is plain and simple. It’s a personal invitation to ALL who will accept Jesus as their Savior. God’s Letter ... My Child, You may not know me, but I know everything about you (Psalm 139:1). I know when you sit down and when you rise up (Psalm 139:3). I am familiar with all your ways (Psalm 139:3). Even the very hairs on your head are numbered (Matthew 10: 29-31) for you were made in My image (Genesis 1:27). In Me you live and move and have your being (Acts 17:28) for you are My offspring (Acts 17:28) ...
China’s second-largest lender by assets, China Construction Bank (CCB), has opened a Shanghai branch run entirely by robots that greet customers and manage accounts, Mirror reported. The bank doesn’t just utilize robots; it’s packed full with new technology including virtual reality, artificial intelligence and facial recognition. According to the South China Morning Post, as soon as customers walk through the front door they are met by a robot that asks and answers questions using voice recognition ...
Smartphones have taken over the world. They’re with you when you wake up, you keep them close by throughout the day, and they are often the last thing you interact with before you go to sleep. This is the reality for millions upon millions of people everywhere around the world. And whether you want to admit it or not, the influence and reach of smartphones in people’s everyday lives have become so much bigger than it ever has before. But not everyone is happy about this development. Although smartphones are powerful little computers that open the door to almost limitless possibilities, in some ways, they can limit your freedom and take away precious time that you would have spent doing more productive things otherwise ...
Conventional wisdom holds that people, especially millennials, are doing more job hopping than ever before — but that may not be true. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an individual holds around 12 jobs during their lifetime, and that figure have not changed dramatically over the past several decades. In fact, in industries like tech and healthcare, workers can be incredibly loyal ...
HAL is 50. And his prophecies are coming true. Science fiction is a genre for morons. It makes for bad writing and even worse movies. Plot lagging? No problem, throw in some shape shifting. Longueurs too long? Easy. A spot of time travel and disappearance is called for. SF is the poor writer’s opt out of doing the hard job of producing quality prose. SF is also a leading opiate for the masses with their endless taste for all those cretinous Star Wars movies. Hey, a fool and his money are easily parted. This month Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ turns fifty. Many who did not pay attention, or who never watched it in the first place, describe it as a science fiction movie. It is nothing of the sort. It is about Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, and shows a world where the machine tries to control man. ...
Humans will be genetically modified for the first time in Europe as scientists get the go-ahead to use DNA-splicing therapy to treat blood disorder • A blood disorder known as beta thalassaemia could be cured using this therapy • The disorder reduces the production of haemoglobin which carries oxygen • Scientists plan to cut away the component which is repressing the production of haemoglobin ... Humans will be genetically modified for the first time in Europe after regulators have given the go ahead to trial DNA-splicing therapy ...
Conspiracy theories are generally relegated to the fringes of society, considered to be beliefs that are unsupported by evidence but that make very big claims about reality. A conspiracy theorist says that what you think you know is not how it really is, and most likely, there’s some nefarious group that is actually ruling your life and arranging events in the world. Most of the conspiracy theories do turn out to be patently untrue and created by the insecurities of people who feel they lack of control over their lives, as says Professor Galinsky. He studied conspiracy theories and found a connection between the feeling of lacking control and a propensity to believe in outlandish tales that may somehow explain why your life is not the way you want it to be. ...