free for all
a disorganized or unrestricted situation or event in which everyone may take part, especially a fight, discussion ...
brawl, fight, scuffle, tussle, struggle, confrontation, clash, altercation, fray, fracas, melee, rumpus, disturbance; breach of the peace; informal scrap ...
Humans aren’t the only people in society – at least according to the law. In the U.S., corporations have been given rights of free speech and religion. Some natural features also have person-like rights. But both of those required changes to the legal system. A new argument has laid a path for artificial intelligence systems to be recognized as people too – without any legislation, court rulings or other revisions to existing law. ...
For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
Galatians 5:13
Researchers in US reduced cholesterol levels in healthy mice treated in utero by targeting a gene that regulates those levels. They also used prenatal gene editing to improve liver function and prevent neonatal death in a subgroup of mice. Washington: In a first, scientists have performed prenatal gene editing to prevent a lethal metabolic disorder in animals, offering the potential to treat human congenital diseases before birth ...
When I was a little girl, my parents bought Bible storybooks for my sister and me. I can vividly remember the depiction of Jesus in the boat on the Sea of Galilee as the storm arose and threatened the lives of all aboard. When the disciples woke Him, Jesus stood up in the boat and with only a word calmed the wind and the waves. Then He looked at His disciples and said, "Why were you afraid? Why were you afraid when I was with you?" (See Mark 4:36-41). ...
Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.
Romans 6:18
I’m sitting in the departure lounge at Krakow airport, waiting for the flight to Edinburgh. Sitting opposite is a young woman with a pink mobile phone resting against her crotch and a plastic bottle of Coca Cola standing in the same place. The first, slowly destroying her brain and reproductive capacity and the second slowly destroying her gut and nervous system. She has ear pieces extensions coming from her mobile and wears a vacant, somewhat resigned expression on her face. Unaware no doubt, that she is steadily shortening her life expectancy. ...
Earlier this year, we told you about an FDA back-channel that allows drug companies to turn supplements into drugs—and remove the supplement versions from the market. This has happened to a popular and medically important version of vitamin B6 (pyridoxamine), and with the FDA’s approval of a new drug to treat sickle cell anemia, the same could happen to L-glutamine. Unless we close a back-channel at the FDA ...
There are several excellent reasons for taking the time and effort to learn about natural remedies. Two of the most important of these reasons are: 1) You never know when a natural or other disaster might leave you stranded without access to medication, and 2) Chemical medicines are toxic and bad for you, anyway, so switching to more natural options is a good idea no matter what situation you might find yourself in. While ancient Indian and Chinese medicines are well known and have been trusted for thousands of years, there is another ancient type of natural medication that has its roots far closer to home and Which is just as effective: Native American herbal remedies. ...
In a big country that allows corporations to run the regulatory agencies, there’s not much room for ethics, because it’s all about the money. The massive U.S. food and medicine industries are dominated by a handful of monopolistic businesses that make billions off consumer ignorance, and that’s just a cold hard fact. Nearly all conventional food and allopathic medicine is highly corrupted with chemicals that propagate disease and disorder ...
Security robots have invaded NYC and are now patrolling the streets, while diplomatic robots are roaming around UK parliament floors. Robots are becoming more prevalent and relevant in society and, like it or not, the androids are here to stay. This technology will only exponentially increase as time passes, as Boston Dynamics has showcased over the years. ...
It is surprising as well as shocking to find that despite so much progress made by the human in this millennium, there is a sizable chunk of humanity that does not even have a roof over its head. It is all the more shocking to find that it is not just restricted to the undeveloped and third-world countries of the world. It is such a shame that the most developed countries of the world like US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Australia etc. all have millions of homeless amidst their rich population. These homeless people who do not get even one square meal a day are not in the remote inaccessible areas, but right in the midst of the rich ...
One hundred years ago, the world struggled against a relentless enemy - H1N1, also known as the Spanish Flu. Rising from the trenches of World War I, it spread to every corner of the globe in 1918 and 1919 - even remote Pacific islands. What made it especially deadly is more than half its victims were healthy adults between the ages of 20 and 40. The virus turned their healthy immune systems against them ...
Last year marked the iPhone’s tenth anniversary, and Apple celebrated it by releasing the iPhone X — remember, that’s X as in the Roman numeral for 10 and not ‘ex’ like the person who dumped you over text message. The iPhone family has changed a lot in a decade, and the X shares few similarities with the first generation. Now, with the latest additions of the XS, XS Max, and XR, the differences are even greater. With all the ways the iPhone has evolved like Pokémon, we’re betting another ten years could spell a radical change ...
Chaos In The Streets: The Civil Unrest That So Many Have Been Predicting Is Coming To America Is Now Here - Nobody should want to see Americans beating the daylights out of other Americans in our city streets, but it is starting to happen with alarming regularity. Americans have become more radicalized politically than ever before, and there is certainly nothing wrong with being passionate about what you believe, but way too often these very strong feelings are leading to outbursts of anger and violence. The “left” hates the “right” and the “right” hates the “left”, and the mainstream media and many of our leading politicians are having a good old time stirring the pot on a continual basis. It is almost as if they actually want violence to happen. For a very long time, many of us have been warning that civil unrest is coming to America, and now it is here ...
“The poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society and we are their unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We are focused only on our own gain.”—They Live, John Carpenter ... We’re living in two worlds, you and I. There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense ...
The Bible says that one of the signs of the end times will be people who will mock Bible prophecy. On our television program, Christ in Prophecy, our guest Jan Markell made a shocking presentation concerning Christian mockery of end time Bible prophecy. Jan is a Messianic Jew who is the founder and spokesperson for Olive Tree Ministries in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area. She has a weekly radio program called Understanding the Times that is carried on over 800 radio stations located all across our nation. ...
Americans are eating fake foods. It’s sad but true that many American staples are fraudulent. Going to the grocery store and searching for whole, nutritious foods is like running a gauntlet of lies. The American food system is as fake as a toupée. I remember an Eastern European female basketball player being on Jay Leno and going on and on about how fake American food tasted. She even compared our fruit to wax fruit displays ...