"Be Prepared - the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out & practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise." Robert Baden-Powell
In 1975, when the oldest Boomers were 29, 57% of 18 to 34- year-olds lived with a spouse in their own household. Even as late as 1990, almost half lived with a partner. But in 2016, 31% were living in their parents’ home, making it the new, most common living arrangement for young adults, according to Census data.
“Suicide rates in the United States have risen nearly 30 percent since 1999, and mental health conditions are one of several factors contributing to suicide,” the CDC researchers wrote in their report.We are not a happy country, and it is time for a change.
“From 1999 to 2015, suicide rates increased among both sexes, all racial/ethnic groups, and all urbanization levels.”
An alarming discovery coming out of City Schools. Project Baltimore analyzed 2017 state testing data and found one-third of High Schools in Baltimore, last year, had zero students proficient in math.You would figure that every school would have at least a few nerdy kids that were good with numbers, but apparently that is not the case in Baltimore.
After leading the world for decades in 25-34-year-olds with university degrees, the U.S. is now in 12th place. The World Economic Forum ranked the U.S. at 52nd among 139 nations in the quality of its university math and science instruction in 2010.And in case you are tempted to think that last number is exaggerated, PBS has reported that in one recent year more than 200 colleges had to place “more than half of incoming students in at least one remedial course”…
According to the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress, 68% of public school children in the U.S. do not read proficiently by the time they finish third grade. And the U.S. News & World reported that barely 50% of students are ready for college-level reading when they graduate…<
Data from 911 two- and four-year colleges revealed that 96 percent of schools enrolled students who required remediation in the 2014-15 academic year, the most comprehensive recent numbers. At least 209 schools placed more than half of incoming students in at least one remedial course.It isn’t as though most college courses are very challenging either. The truth is that the family dog could have passed most of the courses that I ever had to sit through.
Colleges nationwide are teaching students about tacos, hooking up and country music’s “homophobic and racist” message — but those are just a few examples, as classes such as “Queer Religion” and “Racial Capitalism” become the new norm.If we want America to have any sort of a positive future, we need to completely change our approach to education, and then we need to kick our kids out of the nest when they reach a certain age so that they can learn to be adults.