"For we wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12
What for many began like any other mission trip quickly took a nightmarish turn when a government-sanctioned spike in fuel prices spurred violent protests and riots across Haiti. One mission group from a church in New York City was doing medical work in Delmas 75 in the country’s capital, Port-au-Prince, when they decided on Friday, July 6, to travel to Moulin Sur Mer, a resort almost two hours away, to put a relaxing cap on what had been a busy week ...
If you regularly watch TV, you’ve probably seen a cartoon bear pitching you toilet paper, a gecko with a British accent selling you auto insurance and a bunny in sunglasses promoting batteries. This has always struck me as a bit odd. Sure, it makes sense to use cartoon characters to sell products to kids – a phenomenon that’s been well-documented. But why are advertisers using the same techniques on adults? ...
A young University of Iowa student made headlines recently after she disappeared during an evening jog—but she is just one of the dozens of people who have been reported missing in Iowa in the last 10 days, and the overwhelming majority of the disappearances are children ...
This week, internet giants like Facebook, Youtube, Spotify and others banned the notorious Alex Jones and InfoWars from their platforms, and the purge is enjoying widespread support among the left, which has made a reputation for itself as intolerant of differing opinions (last year, for example, a group of Antifa protesters beat one of our own Anti-Media reporters and destroyed his camera equipment at a rally simply because he was filming). In Jones’ case, Facebook cited hate speech, though this stance seems inconsistent considering the platform has caught flack for allowing anti-semitic content. This lack of principle doesn’t matter to many left-wing partisans ...
Pop-culture imaginings of the future typically involve fun gadgets and advanced technology, but what will we lose on the way there? I met George Jetson and his family in the 1990s through television reruns. In my childhood summers, I spent days watching Cartoon Network’s Boomerang channel, which featured cartoons of yesteryear. The Jetsons, a classic that made its debut in the early 1960s, imagined life for the American family around the year 2062 ...
America is “the most dangerous country in the developed world to give birth in”. We all know that our healthcare system is rapidly deteriorating, but I figured that the U.S. would be at least in the middle of the pack when it comes to women dying during childbirth. Sadly, I was completely wrong ...
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” – John 8:36 ... Maybe you’ve read this verse dozens of times but truthfully, you don’t actually know what freedom in Christ actually really looks like or what it means to experience that freedom. We hear people talking about it but what does this freedom actually look like “lived out” on a daily basis? HOW TO “LIVE OUT” FREEDOM IN CHRIST ON A DAILY BASIS ... Total Surrender: Lordship means a full-blown total surrender to God and His authority and leadership. Period. ...
CRISPR “MAGIC.” Thought your baker’s yeast could never do anything more exciting than make bread rise? Well, think again. Two teams have remixed your yeast, with the help of gene editing tool CRISPR. The first team, a group out of the NYU School of Medicine, took a yeast species with 16 chromosomes and used CRISPR to fit all the DNA it needed to function into just two chromosomes. The other team, this one from China, packed it all into just one chromosome ...
In January, the production company Base Hologram announced its forthcoming Roy Orbison hologram tour, “In Dreams,” with the U.S. leg of the tour set to kick off on Oct. 1 in Oakland. For the unitiated: A computer-generated hologram of Orbison will be performing alongside an orchestra and band. Shortly after the announcement, a handful of critics reacted with such horror that you would have thought the very future of music and morality were under siege ...
Audience members watch as panelists play video games at TwitchCon 2015 in San Francisco, California September 25, 2015. The conference features games, broadcasters and viewers, as well as gaming hardware and software. A virtual church has been launched for gamers, the pastor of which says he is reaching a people group for Christ that the traditional church does not even know exists ...
The New York Times Magazine has done something unprecedented. On Wednesday, it released an entire issue containing just one article on the subject of global warming. “Losing Earth,” by Nathaniel Rich, chronicles the ten-year period from 1979 t0 1989 in which scientists reached consensus about human-caused climate change, and politicians nearly came to a global-scale solution. Informed by more than 100 interviews and 18 months of reporting, the piece twists and turns around a zany cast of characters who bravely risked their careers to solve the climate crisis ...
After a company in Wisconsin fitted each of their employees a microchip and claimed they absolutely loved it, many people were adamant that nope, no way, they’d never get chipped like a dog. Some people claimed religious objections (mark of the Beast) while others feel that their privacy has been already been invaded quite enough with the advent of “smart” technology and advertising cookies on the Internet. If you swear to the skies that you’ll never get chipped, several experts quoted in an article on USA Today are here to tell you that you’re wrong. ...
The rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer for so long in America that it seems like it has always been this way. But it hasn’t. In fact, between the late 1920s and the early 1970s the gap between the wealthy and the poor actually steadily got smaller. And when I was growing up in the 1980s, it seemed like everyone was middle class, but now those days are long gone ...
After maliciously lying about President Trump in tens of thousands of fake news articles that have driven America to the brink of civil war, the “media monopolists” now claim it’s wrong for Trump to talk about how evil they are ...
A journey into the world's first underwater farm ~ a team of Italian divers is growing basil, tomatoes, & strawberries. In Noli, northern Italy, a team of divers is growing plants 22 feet below sea level ...
The European vegetable processing sector raised concerns last month about potential losses to crop quantity and quality as a result of the very hot summer and prolonged drought conditions in all leading European production regions. Today, these regions have been affected by exceptional weather conditions, where crop evaporation levels have been exceptionally high, many watercourses have run dry ...
A disturbing new game sweeping social media has parents and authorities concerned that we may be seeing the rise of another ‘Blue Whale’ phenomenon. It’s been popping up all over the world in recent weeks, predominantly through WhatsApp, and appears to follow roughly the same script every time ...
If you go all the way back to the mid-1970s, well over half of all 18 to 34-year-olds were already married and lived with their new spouse in their new households. But today the most common living arrangement for those in that age group is living with Mommy and Daddy ...