The combination of the wettest planting season in U.S. history, a catastrophic trade war with China and economic conditions that are brutal for small farms ...
Elon Musk’s Company Launched 60 Satellites Into Space to Blast 5G at Us. More Planned Despite Telecoms Admitting There’s No Research That Proves 5G is
Safe ...
The news profession has been trending to the Left for decades now, but in the age of Obama and POTUS Donald Trump, reporters have increasingly eschewed
their journalistic credentials in favor of donning ...
Long-time “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek announced in March that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Within days ...
Nontraditional education options are on the rise. U.S. college enrollment has declined for the eighth consecutive year. Recent survey found that a
majority of freelancers found skills training to be more important than having a degree. It's becoming harder ...
A teenager who has been imprisoned by the Saudi Arabian government for nearly 5 years is facing execution for taking part in a protest that happened 8
years ago when he was just 10 years old. Murtaja Qureiris was initially arrested when he was 13 years old, 3 years after an Arab Spring related protest that he took part in. He has spent at least 15 months of his 5 years in prison isolated in solitary confinement ...
Tread cautiously: the fiction of George Orwell has become an operation manual for the omnipresent, modern-day surveillance state. It’s been 70 years since Orwell—dying, beset by fever and bloody coughing fits, and driven to warn against the rise of a society in which rampant abuse of power and mass manipulation are the norm—depicted the ominous rise of ubiquitous technology, fascism and totalitarianism in 1984 ...
New experiments look to the interplay between neutrons and magnetic fields to observe our universal reflection. Science fiction has long speculated about
parallel universes and what they may be like. Researchers have devised new experiments to look for how a mirror universe may be influencing our own. If such
evidence is found, it could bring to light many of the universe's mysteries, such as the nature of dark matter ...
Facebook moderator: "I think Facebook needs to shut down." Hell Factory ... At a Facebook content moderation facility in Tampa, Florida, contractors
working for Cognizant are regularly subjected to traumatizing, unsanitary, and dangerous conditions — that in at least one case literally led to a death.
The contractors, who review as many as 200 flagged Facebook posts per day depicting animal abuse, sexual abuse, murder, and other horrifying acts, are
subjected to hellish work conditions ...
Approaching Avatar ... If you want to control a robot with your mind — and really, who doesn’t? — you currently have two options. You can get a brain
implant, in which case your control over the robot will be smooth and continuous. Or you can skip the risky, expensive surgery in favor of a device that
senses your brainwaves from outside your skull — but your control over the bot will be jerky and not nearly as precise ...
Someone forwarded a graphic to me that got to me to realize just how far America has fallen. The graphic stated: 1944: 18 year olds stormed enemy beaches, parachuted behind enemy lines, and charged into German machine gun fire. 2018: 18 year olds need safe spaces, blankies, bubbles, coloring books, gun free
zones, and counseling for “ptsd” caused by opposing views and offensive words ...
CHINA is producing secret gene-edited “Frankenstein” babies not yet known to the rest of the world, a leading expert has claimed. Scientists can changed
the human genetic code more easily that ever ...
Freedom of the press is attacked all around the world. The recently released 2019 edition of the Press Freedom Index shows once more a decline in press
freedom—a trend that has been holding on for many years. As Reporters Without Borders, which compiles the index every year, writes, “hatred of journalists
has degenerated into violence” at this point, “contributing to an increase in fear.” In the meantime, authoritarian regimes continue to tighten their grip on the media ...
In a strangely unremarked-upon twist, Disney films have taken to subverting romance and rethinking the happy-ever-afters. Love, in the world of Walt
Disney films, has changed. Between Tangled (2010) and Moana (2016), the ideal of heterosexual romance has been dethroned ...
A recently leaked document has exposed notes taken by legendary scientist Dr. Eric Davis during a meeting he had Admiral Thomas Ray Wilson, who was the
Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency ...