"Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief." Sigmund Freud
But I saw what I saw, and what I saw is this…
An artist who turned his legitimate frustrations with the Antifa-Occupy-Black Lives Matter-Resistance crybabies, these anarchist-fascists who seek to marginalize men like Todd Phillips for who he is, punish him for his success, and then censor his art. I think Phillips took all of that and turned it into his muse, not only to create the stunning Joker, but to reinvent himself as an artist.
“Joker is you!” Phillips is saying. “Joker is the godless god you spoiled losers worship; a sociopath who believes in nothing, who wants to burn down society because he’s not happy all the time — your leader is Madness, Anarchy, Intolerance, Jealousy, Envy, Bigotry, and Hate.”
Back in August, our friend Marty Breeden sent us a very alarming dream that really shook him up. In this particular dream, a great storm is rapidly approaching, but most people are completely oblivious…