In just the past few weeks, we have witnessed a dizzying array of signs pointing to the nearness of the Tribulation and thus also to the Rapture of the Church, which happens before this time of judgment begins.
The world lies breathtakingly close to the start of the catastrophic conditions described throughout Revelation 6, and yet God’s judgments seem mysteriously paused. In 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8, Paul explains why the world can rest on the edge of cataclysmic events and yet for the moment escape the dire consequences of what surely lies ahead: For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. Revelation 6 begins with the antichrist riding throughout the world on a white horse, but this can’t happen until the Lord removes His restraining hand, which for now keeps him from unveiling his true nature. The restricting force is the Holy Spirit’s presence in New Testament saints through which He not only holds back the man of lawlessness, but with that the start of all we read about in Revelation 6.
After the Rapture, the beast will be free to ride.
Closer to the Edge of Catastrophe
Just this month, we have witnessed events that have brought the world closer to the time when we will watch the Lord open the seven seals from Heaven's vantage point. What follows are but a couple of examples of this. On Sunday, November 17, President Biden took the world a giant step closer to a nuclear confrontation by allowing Ukraine to fire U.S. missiles into Russia, which has continued to happen since that date. Just this week, the U.S. administration announced that it's considering supplying Ukraine with nuclear weapons while NATO contemplates a direct attack on Russia. Is this not insane?!?! President-elect Trump recently stated that "we are closer to World war III than ever before" and he is right. I don't know what will happen next, but it appears that America and its NATO allies are doing all they can to ignite a major war with Russia. And, just this past week, the U.S. debt total passed the thirty-six trillion-dollar mark. There’s no rational explanation for why the American economy hasn’t completely collapsed with worldwide implications that align with Revelation 6:5-6.
Sudden Destruction
How does this seeming delay fit with Bible prophecy? 1 Thessalonians 5:3 reveals that when the world falls off the edge into the coming series of catastrophic events, it will happen abruptly and unexpectedly:
While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
In a moment, everything will change. The word normal will remain in dictionaries, but any sense of normality will instantly disappear.
As New Testament saints, we will vanish in the “twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:52). The Lord will instantly change our mortal bodies into ones that will never perish or grow old. We will immediately experience the eternal life that we now possess through faith.
Our departure will cause a rapid deterioration of any remaining sense of calm and result in great chaos throughout the world. I believe that the antichrist will begin his crusade for peace in the weeks or perhaps months after the Rapture.
The Warning and the Comfort
Everywhere we look, we see precursors to the fulfillment of so many things that we read about in the book of Revelation and, in particular, chapters 6 and 13. As a result, some mistakenly believe that the four horsemen of the apocalypse are already riding through the earth. I believe the Lord is allowing the world to see glimpses of what lies ahead as a warning of what’s to come. At the moment, the world is speeding down the path to nuclear war. Could we be days, weeks, or months away from the “sudden destruction” that will inaugurate the Day of the Lord after we are safely in Heaven with Jesus? Or might the Lord continue to restrain the forces that He has allowed to take the world to the edge of suddenly? If nothing else, the events of the past few weeks should be a wake-up call of just how quickly our lives can instantly change. I know that many in the world still cling to the belief that normality will prevail, but what about the church? Sadly, many saints plan for their future with no thought of the Lord’s nearing intervention in their lives nor with any consideration of the warning that comes from James 4:13-17 regarding their future aspirations. They fail to see that we not only rest on the edge of suddenly, but also at the end of normal. Our comfort rests in Jesus and in Him alone. He's coming for us just as He promised and that day could be very, very soon.
Blog Highlights
Several of my blog posts during the past month have also highlighted the prophetic signs that point to the end of the age and Jesus' soon appearing to take us home. The one that speaks the most directly to the day in which we live is In a World Obsessed with Jerusalem, How Can You Not See Bible Prophecy Unfolding? Today, we witness the words of the ancient prophets coming to life at a pace never seen at any previous time. In Rapture Ramifications, I take a deep dive into connecting current events, even the recent Presidential Election in the U.S., with the time of the Rapture. The article that garnered by far the most attention during the past month was Refuting the Great Lie About Our "Blessed Hope." Please don't miss this special blog post! And don't overlook my most recent addition, The Biblical Necessity of the Seven-Year Tribulation. In it I explain why it's biblically impossible to maintain the belief that God has rejected Israel and replaced it with the church.
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