Fauci Says Lockdown Will Continue Until There Are No “New Cases” of Coronavirus
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci says that the United States will not come out of lockdown until there are no “new cases” of coronavirus, prompting some to question precisely how long that will be. During yesterday’s White House briefing, Fauci, who has become the face of America’s response to the coronavirus, was asked by a reporter whether social distancing measures will be imposed until there is a drug or vaccine to treat COVID-19. … Continue readingFauci Says Lockdown Will Continue Until There Are No “New Cases” of Coronavirus
Britain’s First Astronaut Says Aliens Definitely Exist and May Already Be Living Among Us
According to the first Briton to go into space, Dr. Helen Sharman, extraterrestrials do exist, and it could even be possible that they are among us here on Earth. Sharman recently spoke with Observer Magazine about her beliefs on the possibility of other intelligent life in the universe, and had some very surprising things to say. She seemed extremely confident in her beliefs, saying with certainty: “Aliens exist, there’s no two ways about it.“ …
Continue reading Britain’s First Astronaut Says Aliens Definitely Exist and May Already Be Living Among Us

Ingredient in Roundup, Doesn’t Cause Cancer
EPA Continues to Claim Glyphosate, the Main Ingredient in Roundup, Doesn’t Cause Cancer ... The EPA has reaffirmed its belief that glyphosate is not a carcinogen, despite initially concluding the chemical was probably carcinogenic.The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reaffirmed their belief that glyphosate is not a carcinogen, despite initially concluding the chemical was probably carcinogenic … Continue reading Ingredient in Roundup, Doesn’t Cause Cancer

Virtual Music Star Hatsune Miku to Perform at Coachella
The international sensation is heading to Indio. On Thursday, organizers announced the 2020 lineup for arguably the most-hyped music festival in the world: Coachella. As rumored, Rage Against the Machine, Frank Ocean, and Travis Scott are set to headline the April event — but sharing the stage with some of the biggest artists alive today will be one who isn’t alive at all: virtual pop star Hatsune Miku. Miku is a blue-haired, computer … Continue reading Virtual Music Star Hatsune Miku to Perform at Coachella

Toxic Chemicals Are Stealing Millions of IQ Points From Kids
A total of 162 million IQ points have been lost and 738,000 cases of intellectual disability gained in the United States thanks to exposure to flame retardants alone. Toxic Chemicals Are Stealing Millions of IQ Points From Kids in the US, New Study Shows Some of the worst chemicals are found on common furniture items, electronics, and even children’s clothing. The latest research out of New York University’s (NYU) … Continue reading Toxic Chemicals Are Stealing Millions of IQ Points From Kids
Are We Seeing a Generation Being Conditioned for the Mark of the Beast?
Microchip implants have been woven into the very fabric of society through keeping track of pets for some time, but now people are getting them inserted in hopes of improving their lives. Society is quickly embracing microchip implants to unlock doors, log into cell phones and even make payments without the hassle of cash or credit cards. Two recent examples of this were from the Wall Street Journal who recently reported on how … Continue reading Are We Seeing a Generation Being Conditioned for the Mark of the Beast?
Big Pharma Giants Meet in San Francisco and are Stunned at the Total Collapse of Society They’ve Helped Create
There comes a point when greedily amassing all the monetary wealth you possibly can through any means possible leaves you with nothing in the end because you destroyed everything of value that was actually worth buying. This is what the pharmaceutical kingpins are discovering on the streets of San Francisco, one of America’s most iconic cities, which has become a vanquished wasteland of addiction, homelessness and filth. … Continue reading Big Pharma Giants Meet in San Francisco and are Stunned at the Total Collapse of Society They’ve Helped Create
The Rise of Cults and Cult Leaders in the Last Days
As we draw near to the end of the Age, One of the things the Lord warned us to watch out for would be the rise of “False Prophets” and “False Messiah’s”. Today, most of call them “Cult Leaders” or “Cults”. History has definitely given us a preview of these over the years with cult leaders that rose up and deceived many, resulting in death and destruction. … Continue reading The Rise of Cults and Cult Leaders in the Last Days

Just A Coincidence? A U.S. Patent For ‘An Attenuated Coronavirus’ Was Filed In 2015 And Granted In 2018
We are being told that the coronavirus outbreak which is currently escalating at an exponential rate probably started with a snake. Perhaps that is true, but a lot of researchers are now pointing out some really odd “coincidences” regarding this outbreak. For example, China’s very first biosafety-level-4 lab is located just 20 miles away from where this outbreak supposedly … Continue reading Just A Coincidence? A U.S. Patent For ‘An Attenuated Coronavirus’ Was Filed In 2015 And Granted In 2018

Mysterious Deep Space Radio Signal Repeats Every 16 Days, Baffling Scientists
A startling scientific find by space researchers which sounds straight from the plot of the 1990’s sci-fi movie “Contact” is the last thing you might expect to read on CNN this week. Mysterious radio signals from space have been known to repeat, but for the first time, researchers have noticed a pattern in a series of bursts coming from a single source half a billion light-years from Earth … Continue reading Mysterious Deep Space Radio Signal Repeats Every 16 Days, Baffling Scientists

Mind Games
Elon Musk wants to connect your BRAIN to a computer this year as ‘awesome’ Neuralink mind-chip prepares to launch. The kooky billionaire believes his brain interface tech will turn humans into a genius super race. Musk has been has been developing the technology, called Neuralink, because he thinks humans must become one with machines in order to survive being replaced by artificial intelligence. His plan to "save the human race" involves wiring computer chips into our into our minds to merge us with artificial intelligence … Continue reading Mind Games
Ex-Witch's Warning About New Disney Show: "It's Not a Joke - That Realm Is Very Real"
A new Disney cartoon is teaching kids that being a witch is a good thing. It's called "The Owl House" and recently premiered on the Disney Channel. The show tries to portray witchcraft as a positive tool to fight evil. And some people say there's nothing to worry about when it comes to a children's show like this, arguing that it's just make-believe. But one former witch and lesbian told CBN's "The Prayer Link" that parents need to be very careful about what their children watch … Continue reading Ex-Witch's Warning About New Disney Show: "It's Not a Joke - That Realm Is Very Real"
America is One Election From Socialism!
Americans were jubilant during the 1920s as the stock economy expanded quickly, more than doubling between 1920 and 1929. It seemed the stock market could not go down. Greedy, speculative Americans even borrowed money to purchase stocks. Everything was positive and people lost their perspective throwing concern, caution, and common sense to the wind. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow will produce more profits. Thus, the label “the Roaring Twenties.” … Continue reading America is One Election From Socialism!
Homesteaders, Catastrophists Run for the Hills to Flee U.S. Uncertainty
Survivalists who fear a looming, urban catastrophe are swapping city life for a fresh start off grid and far from civilisation. Cheap housing, deep unease and intense resilience - all forces that are driving a clutch of Americans to swap city life for a fresh start off grid and far from civilisation. Some are survivalists, among them high fliers who fear a looming, urban catastrophe and the mayhem that might follow. Others want a greener, gentler life … Continue reading Homesteaders, Catastrophists Run for the Hills to Flee U.S. Uncertainty
Meet Spot the Quadruped Robot Spot Developed by Boston Dynamics
Galilee Guest House Construction Opens Amazing Window into Life During Jesus’ Time on Earth
A Clear View
Facial Recognition!
Scientists Build “First Living Robots” From Frog Stem Cells
"It's a new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism." A team of researchers have built what they claim to be the first living robots. The “xenobots,” they say, can move, pick up objects, and even heal themselves after being cut. The team is hoping the biological machines could one day be used to clean up microplastics in the ocean or even deliver drugs inside the human body, The Guardian reports. To build the robots, the team used living cells from frog embryos and assembled them into primitive beings … Continue reading Scientists Build “First Living Robots” From Frog Stem Cells
Who Really Owns the Holy City, and Does It Even Matter?
The transfer of ownership over a church property in Jerusalem’s Old City to an organization representing the Russian government sparked something of an uproar in Israel in January. But ultimately, it was a tempest in a teacup. The Alexander Courtyard is situated adjacent to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and contains among other structures the Alexander Nevsky Church. The strategically located parcel of land was purchased in 1859 by Czar Alexander II. After the Russian Revolution … Continue reading Who Really Owns the Holy City, and Does It Even Matter?
Brookings: Whoever Wins The AI Race Will Rule The World
It will not be the intelligence of men who will run the future world, but rather an artificial intelligence programmed to create a global Scientific Dictatorship. This is the nature and future of Technocracy. The Brookings Institution is an old-line establishment think-tank closely aligned with the Trilateral Commission that originally conceived the New International Economic Order; today this is known as Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy … Continue reading Brookings: Whoever Wins The AI Race Will Rule The World

Taylor Swift Says Her Brand of Christianity Is the Real Christianity
The new Netflix documentary "Miss Americana" features pop star Taylor Swift touting her shift to politics, and it takes a left turn when she tries to define what Christians believe to match her own progressive ideas. In the aftermath of President Trump's election, Swift has not only been speaking out about political candidates, she's even been using her music to promote a pro-LGBT agenda. For example, Swift's rainbow-clad music video … Continue reading Taylor Swift Says Her Brand of Christianity Is the Real Christianity

Scientists Grow ‘Yarn’ From Human Flesh So They Can Stitch People Up, Repair Organs
Scientists just created flexible yarn from human skin cells. A team of scientists in France have managed to grow a “human textile” from human skin cells, creating yarn based on human flesh that can be used to close wounds or knitted, crocheted, and weaved into unique patterns for implantable skin grafts. Researchers at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Bordeaux have already successfully … Continue reading Scientists Grow ‘Yarn’ From Human Flesh So They Can Stitch People Up, Repair Organs