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For the past few months, a team of journalists have been working here at The Christian Post to produce a five-part investigative podcast series on transgenderism and its devastating impact on society.
This new hard-hitting series, called “ Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle ,” features a diverse cast of 20 contributors from a variety of backgrounds. Over the next several weeks, we will chronicle the history and philosophy of gender ideology and how this new-fangled dogma is influencing schools, the medical system, families, and especially children.
The inaugural episode explores how gender dogma has become entrenched in the education system nationwide and how many school officials are driving wedges between children and their parents via “gender identity” policies and course content.
While these issues have been around for decades in the United States, the explosive proliferation of a seemingly infinite number of so-called “gender identities,” including “transgender” or “non-binary” and “genderqueer,” has become impossible to ignore in the last five years. In light of this phenomenon and its broader impact on the culture, CP has scrutinized the underlying ideology since we published our multi-part article series in 2017.
Yet it is not necessary to be a professing believer in Jesus Christ to engage on these issues with truthfulness and integrity. We have found that some of the most thoughtful and intelligent voices on these matters do not ascribe to any faith and they land at various places on the political spectrum. CP felt it was important to include their perspectives in our new podcast series because the truth is true no matter who says it.
Each featured contributor brought compelling and substantive insights to this project. We interviewed doctors, parent advocates, a bioethicist, investigative journalists and writers, a licensed professional counselor, and several others. We concluded the series with a detransitioner — a formerly trans-identified young woman who underwent several experimental medical procedures to appear as the opposite sex. Her story is powerful and beautifully redemptive.
We are releasing this series now because a critical mass of people are alarmed at what trans ideology has unleashed and how quickly it has gripped many spheres of influence. People are especially troubled by the experimental medicalization being pushed on children.
As more people realize how the combination of chemical puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones cause permanent sterility and other terrible medical complications, an understandable public outrage is growing stronger. Equally appalling is that surgeries that mutilate and disfigure the body in pursuit of a physical impossibility — that of becoming the opposite sex — are being performed on vulnerable people, including minors .
It is interesting to observe that while these operations are being done on the bodies of children at prominent institutions such as Boston Children’s Hospital, the corporate press has pivoted from running interference for the medical facilities and its denial that these atrocities are occurring, to admitting that indeed they are happening and that it’s a good thing.
As a case in point, a Sept. 27 fawning article from CBS ran with the headline, “Top surgery drastically improves quality of life for young transgender people, study finds.” The article uses information from a JAMA Pediatrics “study” that surveyed young women who had undergone elective double mastectomies. These medically unnecessary cosmetic surgeries, the study maintained, dramatically improved their quality of life. But this report only interviewed a few dozen postoperative women and girls a few months after their surgeries.
Ask anyone who regrets their medicalized gender transition and they will be the first to tell you that the regret does not set in until well after that time when they realize that mutilating their bodies didn’t alleviate their mental distress. Most horrifyingly, the age range listed for this cohort in the JAMA Pediatrics report was 13-24.
Let that sink in for a moment. Surgeons in this country are severing physically healthy breasts off 13-year-old girls and the corporate press is hailing it as a positive development.
This is, we believe, one such anecdote that makes transgenderism, among other things, one of the absolute worst medical scandals and moral atrocities in history. That this ideology has enabled such unethical procedures to be carried out and has become enshrined in influential universities and in prominent hospitals is repugnant.
From a small-o orthodox Christian standpoint, the claim that a person can be "born in the wrong body," is no small matter. It constitutes not only the ultimate rejection of the Gospel of Jesus Christ but is a brutal assault on human beings made in God’s image as male and female. This is not an unimportant “agree-to-disagree” secondary or tertiary doctrinal matter. What is at stake here is objective truth and the core essentials of the Christian faith.
According to CP Executive Editor Dr. Richard Land, the transcendent moral question of our times is: “Who and what is a human being?”
“Nothing illustrates that more vividly than the transgender issue. It is the ultimate rebellion against God and against male and female. The transgender movement wants to revolt against that to say that you can decide, and it is a catastrophe to put this in front of children and is the ultimate child abuse,” Land explained.
“I think The Christian Post has seldom done a more important thing for Christendom and for America than to host this five-part series. I would encourage every American adult to listen to it and then to act accordingly to make this movement illegal for children and to be frowned upon and undermined among adults.”
One of the most powerful aspects of CP’s latest podcast series, he added, is that its contributors are not restricted to Christian voices but experts from a variety of professions who may or may not be professing believers.
“Listen to this podcast series and share it with as many people as you can,” Land stressed.
The “ Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle ” podcast series begins Oct. 14. Four additional episodes will be released every Friday in the coming weeks.

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