Leading atheist intellectuals who have spent a lifetime ridiculing the Christian fundament of their own Western civilization now suddenly have a change of heart.
One by one, they either become Christians , profess to be on Team Christianity, hail the traditional Christian culture or voice the need for more Christian ethics. They have found out that the logic solution to the current Marxist chaos in society is re-implementing Christian ethics.
Christian Ethic is the logic solution: One of the most prominent atheists, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, have come to the conclusion that believing in God is the most rational choice when attempting to comprehend the world we live in. She recently sat down with Dr. Richard Dawkins, one of the founders of the New Atheist movement, debating faith in God as the logical choice.
Dawkins has been notorious for demonizing the West’s Christian heritage for decades , and deemed faith in God a delusional, evil practice – demanding that Christians should no longer be respected. He has lately taken a remarkable U-turn, now calling himself a cultural Christian and a part of team Christianity. The change of tone is baffling, as I have written about in a recent WND column , writes Hanne Nabintu Herland, historian of religions and bestselling author. She is the founder of The Herland Report and its corresponding YouTube Channel and Podcast . The article first appeared in Herland’s regular WND column.
WND is America’s largest Conservative network with columnists such as Larry Elder, Ann Coulter, John Whitehead, Joseph Farah, Ben Shapiro, Dinesh d’Souza, Pat Buchanan, Dennis Prager, David Kupelian, Jesse Lee Peterson and most of the famous Conservatives in the United States.
Christian Ethic is the logic solution: As the West descends into social, political and economic chaos – social bonds and the family breaking up, suicide and drug epidemic rampant, poverty and homelessness, nations on the verge of civil war – one wonders how it has been possible for Western atheists to be utterly oblivious of the important role that Christian morality has had in their own civilization.
How could they push society off the cliff by attacking the very ideals that historically held us together and created prospering nation states? These architects of destruction have pushed us into the current toxic, self-destructive pattern, with their rampant hatred for Christianity’s message of love rather than hatred. The set of ideals upon which a civilization rests matter.
Christian Ethic is the logic solution: If the ten commandments are abolished, and theft, greed, dishonesty, gluttony, murder and hate becomes socially legitimized, it is but a question of time before the country sifts into poverty, despair and decay.
So, why have these prominent atheists spent decades hiding to the public that it was precisely Christian philosophy that brought about the revolutionary definition of human rights , the abolition of slavery, respecting the woman, pushing for equality regardless of race, creed, gender and class? It was religious ethics that represented an altogether new definition of the value of human life that produced the concept of tolerance and made it an ideal to respect diversity.
Christian morality was the backbone of social stability, the rational path to a prosperous society. It idealized honesty, trustworthiness, uprooted greed and selfishness. It preached to take care of the old, the frail, the helpless. To go to church, the spiritual and social setting, made sure nobody was lonely or alone.
The lack of moral strength in contemporary secular societies is now a glaring fact. it is highly rational and extremely logical to return to the Christian values that once built the West.
Europe’s arguably most influential philosopher and one of the leading architects of atheist secularism, Jürgen Habermas is also also among those who have changed their view on the role of religion .
He is the leading atheist who now states that his assumption of the irrelevance of religion was wrong. In his later years, he has spoken of the need for a newfound respect for traditional Christian ethics, the very values we – under Marxist influence – so eagerly left behind.
Habermas now points out that there are weaknesses in modern secular science’s inability to comprehend the equally important metaphysical dimension of human relations. Traditional science distinguishes sharply between faith and knowledge and takes a naturalistic position that devalues all categories of knowledge that are not based on empiricism.
In Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures , former Pope Benedict XVI seems to concur with the views of Habermas, stating that after years of emphasis on scientific and technological progress alone, Western culture now suffers from a lack of emphasis on moral energy.
This is the greatest threat to our atheism infused contemporary culture. Without solidarity, individuals become destructive. Morality speaks of the rationality of what we should do . What we ought to in order to partake in the betterment of society. These ideals teach man how to subdue his egoism, become humble, and in selflessness do what is good to others. In our Marxist dominated civil society where the Christian ideals have been brutally scrapped, leading atheist scientists now comprehend that doing so has been a massive mistake.
(added to page by AWFSM) Who is Ayaan Hirsi Ali: She was born in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1969. The daughter of a political opponent of the Somali dictatorship, Ayaan Hirsi Ali grew up in exile, moving from Saudi Arabia to Ethiopia then Kenya. As a young child, she was subjected to female genital mutilation. As she grew up, she embraced Islam and strove to live as a devout Muslim. In 1992 Ayaan was married off by her father to a distant cousin who lived in Canada. In order to escape this marriage, she fled to the Netherlands where she was given asylum, and in time citizenship. In her early years in Holland she worked in factories and as a maid. She quickly learned Dutch, however, and was able to study at the University of Leiden. Working as a translator for Somali immigrants, she saw at first hand the inconsistencies between liberal, Western society and tribal, Muslim cultures. After earning her M.A. in political science, Ayaan worked as a researcher for the Wiardi Beckman Foundation in Amsterdam. She then served as an elected member of the Dutch parliament from 2003 to 2006. In 2004 Ayaan gained international attention following the murder of Theo van Gogh. Van Gogh had directed her short film Submission, a film about the oppression of women under Islam. The assassin, a radical Muslim, left a death threat for her pinned to Van Gogh’s chest. A visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington DC, Ayaan is currently researching the relationship between the West and Islam. Ayaan Hirsi Ali was named one of TIME Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People” of 2005, one of the Glamour Heroes of 2005 and Reader’s Digest‘s European of the Year for 2005. She has published a collection of essays, The Caged Virgin (2006), a memoir, Infidel (2007)
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