Radical leftists are coming for your kids.
They’ve openly admitted it numerous times.
And a shocking report shows the radical brainwashing toy manufacturers are doing.
Investigative journalist James O’Keefe exposed more ideological corruption taking place within major institutions.
O’Keefe’s organization Project Veritas has released many exposés detailing malfeasance.
Now O’Keefe is shining a light on what’s happening in corporate America.
David Johnson, a whistleblower at the toy and games manufacturer Hasbro, revealed that the company is engaging in neo-Marxist Critical Race Theory indoctrination.
Breitbart reports:
“According to Johnson, he and other employees were forced to participate in a Critical Race Theory training session led by ‘Conscious Kids’ co-founders Katie Ishizuka and Ramón Stephens, who made startling allegations, teaching Hasbro employees that babies are, at worst, inherently racist, or at the best, prone to racist behavior…Recordings of the session feature Ishizuka explaining, ‘By three to six months, babies are beginning to notice and already express preference by race.’”
WATCH: Whistleblower exposes and decries 'regressive' influence of CRT at Hasbro. pic.twitter.com/aZ4w8LoyOB
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 18, 2021
This is yet another data point that shows CRT is, in fact, being pumped into the mainstream by the Left.
Five minutes ago, the corporate-controlled press was pretending that CRT was simply an obscure legal theory taught in college.
Now media talking heads are ardently defending it.
Ibram X. Kendi, the Left’s radical du jour, has a book called Antiracist Baby , which is being adapted into an animated kids series.
The Left is quite clearly targeting children for indoctrination.
That’s why the culture war that has seeped into public school education is heating up.
They want control of your children’s minds for eight hours a day.
And now they want that same “woke” messaging put into toys and board games.
The Left wants their cultist beliefs to be everywhere, and they’ve been very successful over the past several decades.
But conservatives and naive liberals are finally waking up to what’s going on.
Hopefully, more whistleblowers like Johnson will step forward and shine a light on these ideological terrorists.
Stay tuned to Conservative Underground News for any updates to this ongoing story.