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Shalom from Israel! As fresh and beautiful as this time of year is outside my home, inside we continue to be devastated over the sudden loss of my father-in-law, Hanan. The pain is enormous, but we are holding on to the hope that we have been given in Scripture. Our God has promised eternal life for our souls and a resurrection of our bodies in their glorified forms.
1 Corinthians 15:19
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.
Yesterday marked the 79th anniversary of the day when the Jewish resistance fighters began an uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. No more could they stand idly by as one trainload after another transported their family and friends to the death camps. It was a suicide mission, but it was a statement of strength and freedom. Now, every April 27, in their memory and in the memory of the millions who died in the Holocaust, we observe Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.
One of the most sacred days on the Jewish calendar, it is one of mourning, remembering, and reminding ourselves that we must never let something like this happen again. Many people will commemorate the day by telling stories or lighting candles or visiting one of the observances at Yad VaShem – the site of the Holocaust museum – and other sites around the nation. At 10:00am on Thursday (remember Jewish days are sundown to sundown) a siren will sound throughout the country. Everyone will stop what they are doing for two minutes to honor the victims. This is true even for those who are driving, and you will see cars lining the sides of the road with their drivers and passengers outside, standing and remembering.
Today, at 12:00pm PDT, I will be premiering a message that I’ve recorded for this very special day entitled, “Will There Be Another Holocaust?” I would encourage you to tune in.
Throughout the millennia, Satan has tried to wipe out God’s people. Every time, he has failed. Our God will always guard those He loves. And in the times when it feels like He isn’t there, that’s when our faith reminds us that He never abandons those He loves.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
The Middle East
The Palestinians have escalated their violence on the Temple Mount, and the Israeli “government of change” continues their capitulation. As of Saturday, Passover was over. From now on through the end of Ramadan, Jews will be forbidden to participate in their previously allowed visits onto the holy site. So, rather than shutting down the perpetrators, the government is punishing the victims. Brilliant!
This is all part of a well-coordinated plan. The Palestinian issue has dropped off the world’s radar, particularly with the onset of the Abraham Accords. The misplaced sympathy that used to rest with them is now gone. So, they are seeking to put themselves back at the top of the world’s agenda. One way they are doing it is by trying to turn their grievances from a political issue to a religious one. For more about this situation and other stories, check out my special Breaking News from Monday.
Someone else who is seeking to use the Temple Mount conflict to his advantage is Jordan’s King Abdullah II. He is demanding that the Muslim waqf guard be increased up on the mount, and his country, along with some other Arab allies, is insisting that the Temple Mount become a place where only Muslim worship is allowed. By making this demand, he is currying favor with the Palestinians who make up 70% of his population and seeking to demonstrate his strong commitment to Islam. Jordan, which has oversight of the Temple Mount, will soon meet with Israel to discuss how they can keep tensions from flaring up even more. Interestingly, Jordan is finding opposition from a most unusual source. Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayed, crown prince of Abu Dhabi and de facto leader of the UAE, demands that the Temple Mount remain open to worship by all religions as stipulated in the normalization agreement between the UAE and Israel. The Abraham Accords have certainly complicated the Middle East in a very intriguing way.
Early yesterday morning, Israel launched surface-to-surface missiles from the north of the country into Syria. The attack was aimed at a shipment of weapons that was going to Hezbollah. The missiles destroyed two warehouses near the airport in Damascus and another facility that was used by Iranian forces. Four Syrian soldiers were killed in the strike, and three others were wounded.
On Sunday night, two Russian-made BM-21 “Grad” rockets were fired by Palestinian operatives into Israel from southern Lebanon near Tyre. The Russian name “Grad” means “hail”, and these rockets are designed pour down on an area like a fiery, explosive hailstorm. Sadly for the Palestinians, it was more of a light shower as the rockets fell into an open field and caused no damage. One concerning element to this story is that there was no alert of their approach. Israel is trying to determine why these rockets were able to get through with no detection or countermeasures. The IDF retaliated by firing artillery shells into southern Lebanon, destroying an unspecified infrastructure target.
Last week, I told you about a horrific ISIS bombing at a mosque in Afghanistan that killed well over a dozen people. Now, the mastermind behind the attack, Abdul Hamid Sangaryar, has been arrested by the Taliban. He has played a significant role in numerous attacks. I suspect that his future is fairly bleak.
According to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Iran is only weeks away from a nuclear weapon. Unsurprisingly, she blamed the previous administration’s pullout from the Iran nuclear deal for the acceleration. However, that is like saying that we would be in a better position if only we had believed Iran’s lies instead of not believing them. This nuclear eventuality is at the core of my upcoming Nir Tavor thriller, By Way of Deception, releasing in October.
U.S. military helicopters stopped a convoy of cars in northern Iraq’s Diyala province on Tuesday. Lo and behold, amongst the passengers they found two Iranian military advisers and a high-ranking commander of the terrorist militia Kata’ib Hezbollah. After some Iraqi pressure, the Iranians were released. However, the militia commander, Yassir Muhsin, remains detained.
Russia continues its quest for its three primary goals: 1) Secure Crimea for themselves once and for all, 2) Keep Ukraine from becoming part of NATO, and 3) Establish an independent Donbas which will serve as a buffer between the Kremlin and the West. The first two goals appear to be well in hand. They are now focused on the third. For detailed events as they happen, please subscribe to my Telegram channel.
The humanitarian crisis at the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works in Mariupol, Ukraine continues. Hundreds of people, maybe up to a thousand, are trapped in the massive facility surrounded by Russian troops. Many of those are women and children who have been in an underground bunker for weeks. The situation is dire as food and water are rapidly depleting. President Vladimir Putin has agreed “in principle” for the UN and the International Committee for the Red Cross to bring relief. He has also said that he will open a humanitarian corridor for civilians to leave. As of now, it is still yet to happen, and with a caveat like “in principle” it is questionable whether it ever will.
Moldova is quickly trying to tighten its connection to the EU as Russia eyes the breakaway state of Transnistria. Many in this mostly unrecognized state are of Russian heritage, which gives the Kremlin an excuse to come in and fight for their “independence”. The bigger picture is that to get to Transnistria, Russia must pass through Odessa, a major Ukrainian port city. Not only would the capture of Odessa aid Russia, which is woefully lacking in warm water seaports. But it brings Putin that much closer to cutting off Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea, essentially making the country landlocked.
Russia has suspended its gas flow into Poland and Bulgaria after the countries refused a demand to be paid in rubles. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen condemned the action as “yet another attempt by Russia to use gas as an instrument of blackmail.”
France has reelected the weak-willed Emmanuel Macron as its president. This action combined with the election in December of Germany’s joke of a chancellor, Olaf Scholz, shows that Europe is getting ready to produce an antichrist to whom all of Europe and most of the world will willingly surrender their freedoms.
The geopolitical temperature continues to be unseasonably warm in the Straits of Taiwan. Tuesday saw the USS Sampson, a guided-missile-destroyer, pass through the waterway between China and Taiwan. The Chinese government quickly condemned the move as provocative.
The Ministry
Finally, it’s here! This coming Tuesday is the release day for my new book Revealing Revelation! There is so much Gospel in the final book of the Bible – so much hope, so much truth, so much blessing! Don’t shy away from this wonderful part of God’s Word just because it might seem weird or confusing or controversial or scary. Pick up your copy of Revealing Revelation and let me lead you on an interesting and enjoyable tour through God’s final written message to His creation!
Nazi Germany may be gone, but hatred for the Jews remains in many parts of the world. Could this disdain ever flare up again into genocide? Tune in today, Yom HaShoah, at 12:00pm PDT for the premiere of my special message, “Will There Be Another Holocaust?”
This evening, Pastor Mike will be joined by other service members for a Special Military Edition of our Public Reading of Scripture at 6:00pm PDT. All are welcome, but we want to especially encourage veterans and service members to tune in!
This Saturday at 12:00pm PDT, we will release my Talk Story with True Aloha Kauai. We recorded this interview when I was in Hawaii in January and I’m so excited to share it with you because the content contains information about my story that I don’t typically address.
The Canada Tour is coming in May! If you live in the Great White North, we’d love to see you at one of our events. Check the Behold Israel calendar for locations and dates! To those of you living in the Vancouver area, I want to invite you to register for an evening of Bible prophecy. Seating is limited, so please reserve your spot(s) soon!
I also want to remind my friends in South Africa to stay tuned for more details to be released in the weeks ahead regarding our ministry tour there in July!
Pastor Mike and I will be joining the Monthly Behold Israel Young Adults Call on Zoom next Tuesday at 8:00am PDT for a devotional and time of questions and answers. Please encourage the young people in your circles to join us on Zoom or YouTube!
Thank you again for your prayers and your support. God is so good. He always supplies our needs, and He will do the same for you as you keep your eyes on Him. What a blessing it is to know that He loves His children with the perfect kind of love that can only come from the perfect Heavenly Father.
Matthew 7:9-11
What man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
Awaiting His Return,

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