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“This is a historical moment for weapons systems. For the first time, an energy-based weapons system actually works. I am not talking about ideas, but a system that works,” said Brig.-Gen. Yaniv Rotem, Head of Military R&D in the Defense Ministry. “No one in the world has shown such capabilities. The State of Israel is the first to carry out a live firing attempt. We are in an age of new types of weapons – energy-based weapons. We are there,” he said.
Israel Achieves Historic First With Successful Interception Of Moving Targets Using An Energy-Based Laser Weapons System Much Like ‘Star Wars’
“This is a historical moment for weapons systems. For the first time, an energy-based weapons system actually works. I am not talking about ideas, but a system that works,” said Brig.-Gen. Yaniv Rotem, Head of Military R&D in the Defense Ministry. “No one in the world has shown such capabilities. The State of Israel is the first to carry out a live firing attempt. We are in an age of new types of weapons – energy-based weapons. We are there,” he said.
Israel has taken a significant step toward achieving the operational capability of its ground-breaking laser system by carrying out a series of experiments, the Defense Ministry announced Thursday.
In another historic first for the nation of Israel, they have taken the fabled ‘Star Wars’ concept of using laser beams as an offensive weapon, and for the first time ever intercepted moving targets using their new energy-based weapons system. Energy-based weapons like the one used to bring down the Twin Towers on 9/11 , known as DEW, have been around for some time but only used against stationary targets like the World Trade Center.
“ For then shall be great tribulation , such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24:21 (KJB)
World War 2 was the largest military campaign in human history, and as shocking as World War 1 was at the time, WWII dwarfed it by a factor of ten. So it will be when World War 3 finally erupts, it will be shocking beyond our abilities to comprehend it as we watch it unfold. Guided lasers destroying flying objects, pilotless drones wiping out whole cities, and nuclear bombs unleashed to wreak havoc, WWIII will be one for the record books. But the war that comes after that , the one we see in Revelation 19, Armageddon , will make WWIII seems like a Sunday School picnic. If you’re saved, you will watch that war while seated on a beautiful white horse.
Israel carries out successful laser interception trials
FROM JERUSALEM POST: The experiments, that were carried out in the south of the country by the Defense Ministry’s Directorate of Research and Development (DDR&D, or MAFAT in Hebrew) and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, saw the laser system known as “Magen Or” successfully intercept a number of aerial targets including unmanned aerial vehicles, mortars, rockets and anti-tank missiles in various scenarios.
“This is a historical moment for weapons systems. For the first time, an energy-based weapons system actually works. I am not talking about ideas, but a system that works,” said Brig.-Gen. Yaniv Rotem, Head of Military R&D in the Defense Ministry.
“Our mission was clear: To show that it works before the Passover holiday with all the criteria that we set,” said Rotem, adding that the series of experiments have allowed Israel to enter a “whole new era” of energy-based weapons systems.
“No one in the world has shown such capabilities. The State of Israel is the first to carry out a live firing attempt. We are in an age of new types of weapons – energy-based weapons. We are there,” he said.
Israel releases footage of Iron Beam laser air defence system successfully shooting down rocket, mortar round and UAV
— ELINT News (@ELINTNews) April 14, 2022
Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that Israel has become one of the first countries to succeed in developing powerful laser technology at operational standards that can carry out interceptions in operational scenarios.
“Energy-based weapons with a powerful laser is, in my opinion, a very significant game-changer,” Gantz said, adding that the system “will contribute to the denial of critical enemy capabilities in all arenas.”
While Gantz said that it will still take time before it is fully operational, “for the first time ever a powerful laser system has intercepted distant targets. This achievement is because of Israeli innovation, the defense establishment, and the industries that have come together to provide an umbrella of security for the citizens of Israel.”
Calling it “first-rate breakthrough technology” and a “significant game-changer,” Gantz said that the system will not only provide the IDF with great operational capabilities but it will give the government flexibility and the ability to breathe during wartime.
In March Gantz approved the allocation of hundreds of millions of shekels to develop and produce a high-powered laser system. The Defense Ministry signed an agreement with Rafael Advanced Defense Systems to develop the system, which will be integrated into Israel’s multi-tier air defense array to be used alongside the Iron Dome. Rotem told reporters that they were able to intercept a variety of aerial threats “at challenges ranges” for the first time. According to him, the ground system will be able to destroy targets at a range of 8-10 kilometers with a laser that goes beyond 100 kilowatts.
“The use of a laser system is an equality breaker and the technology is simple and proves economically viable,” he said.
According to Rotem, during simulations that were carried out, they were able to show that had the system been operational during Operation Guardian of the Walls “we would have saved hundreds of Iron Dome Tamir missile interceptors.”
Over 4,000 rockets and mortars were fired toward Israel during the 11-days of fighting between terror groups in the coastal enclave and the IDF. Each interceptor missile costs tens of thousands of dollars. “We are embarking on a project to complete the initial development of the project and the system will be operational and installed across the country within the next decade,” he said adding that while the system is to be first deployed in southern Israel by the Gaza Strip, the defense establishment is always looking towards threats from the northern front. READ MORE
ISRAEL Tests Powerful Laser System
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