How Biased Your Favorite News Source Is
The New York Times was a failing newspaper before changing its business model to muckraking on Trump. Fox News had to drop its "Fair and Balanced" motto because that's false advertising. CNN should be renamed the "Know-Nothing Network." Info Wars' listeners are freakin' certifiable. If you've spent any time on social media, or in the inescapable presence of extended family, you've heard someone slagging on the news sources they disagree with statements like the ones above … Continue reading
Coronavirus: Before & After - How Lockdown Has Changed Smog-Filled Skylines
The fall in air and road travel globally has meant pollution levels have plummeted, with photos revealing cleaner air in cities. The Italian Alps are now visible above Milan thanks to the lack of pollution. Before and after photographs from around the world have shown the effect the almost-global lockdown is having on pollution levels. With far fewer planes in the air and cars on the road during strict measures to stop the spread of coronavirus … Continue reading Coronavirus: Before & After - How Lockdown Has Changed Smog-Filled Skylines

Coronavirus Lockdowns are Pushing Mass Transit Systems to the Brink and Low-Income Riders Will Pay the Price
Mass transit ridership in Los Angeles and elsewhere has plummeted during the crisis. Low-income Americans have borne the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic. They may also get left behind in the recovery. Steep declines in ridership during the crisis have pushed public transit systems across the U.S. into deep financial distress. Though Congress included allocations for transit in the CARES Act, cities said it won’t be nearly enough. Even major systems in large metro areas like New York City and Washington, D.C., have serious concerns about long-term survival without more sustained support … Continue reading Coronavirus Lockdowns are Pushing Mass Transit Systems to the Brink and Low-Income Riders Will Pay the Price

3 Ways the Coronavirus Pandemic is Changing Who We Are
The pandemic has made us into breaking news junkies. For most Americans, the coronavirus pandemic represents a completely unprecedented circumstance, as novel as it is life-changing. No event in recent history has affected us as profoundly and pervasively. Not only does it remind us of our physical fragility, it undermines economic security, throws daily routines topsy-turvy, wreaks havoc on plans and isolates us from friends and neighbors. I am a psychologist who studies human motivation and its impact on what we feel, how we think and what we do. I see that little by little, the stressful external forces this pandemic unleashed are exerting a deep … Continue reading 3 Ways the Coronavirus Pandemic is Changing Who We Are

Following Record Rainfall, Sea of Galilee Overflows: ‘An Omen of Messiah’s Arrival’
“Pour down, O skies, from above! Let the heavens rain down victory! Let the earth open up and triumph sprout Yes, let vindication spring up: I Hashem have createdit.” Isaiah 45:8 (The Israel Bible™) The Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) continues to rise as rain continues to fall in Israel, rising six centimeters over the weekend, bringing its level to 209 meters below sea level and just 20 centimeters below the upper red line signaling that the lake is full. The lake is currently at the highest level it’s been since 2004. Yonatan Dadon of Radio 2000, an Orthodox Hebrew language broadcaster, interviewed Rabbi Yaakov Zissholtz on his weekly Melaveh Malkah program in February … Continue reading Following Record Rainfall, Sea of Galilee Overflows: ‘An Omen of Messiah’s Arrival’
How Defensive Pessimism Can Help You Cope with Anxiety
Stop telling people that everything is going to be fine. Sometimes it isn’t, and this is where defensive pessimism helps us cope with that fact. Not everything in the world goes according to plan. Some things go terribly wrong. For optimists, this can be devastating . You see, optimistic people , while their happiness is usually pretty healthy, sometimes do not account for what can go wrong. With the use of defensive pessimism, individuals can accept bad outcomes … Continue reading How Defensive Pessimism Can Help You Cope with Anxiety
Debunking False Stories - Martial Law Isn’t ‘Imminent’
Viral social media posts and videos have falsely claimed that “martial law [is] imminent” in the U.S. Those bogus reports are being pushed in some cases by those who sell emergency and survivalist products. President Donald Trump mobilized the National Guard on March 22 in Washington, California and New York — three states that have been hit hard by COVID-19 — to assist with everything from distribution of food to set-up of medical tents … Continue reading Debunking False Stories - Martial Law Isn’t ‘Imminent’
Zondervan Publishing Quran With Christian Commentary As Ministry Resource
The evangelical publishing company Zondervan is releasing a guide carrying precise modern English translation of the Quran, with a Christian commentary alongside, to equip Christian ministers to interact with Muslims. The Quran with Christian Commentary: A Guide to Understanding the Scripture of Islam by Gordon Nickel “offers a unique introduction to the primary religious text … Continue reading Zondervan Publishing Quran With Christian Commentary As Ministry Resource

Locust Plague Up to 20 Times Worse Than Last Wave Could Devastate Parts of Africa and Middle East
Locust swarms have already ravaged countries like South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. East Africa is currently bracing itself for a plague of locusts that could be up to 20 times larger than the already historic swarms that blighted regional crops and spilled over into neighboring countries earlier this year. The billions of insects comprised one of the worst locust outbreaks in roughly 70 years, darkening skies, ravaging key food sources, and consuming … Continue reading Locust Plague Up to 20 Times Worse Than Last Wave Could Devastate Parts of Africa and Middle East

More Than 8-in-10 Americans Call Mass Migration a ‘Threat’ to U.S.
More than eight-in-ten American adults call mass migration at least a “threat” to the United States, a survey finds. The latest Pew Research Center survey reveals that the overwhelming majority of Americans see the mass migration of people from one country to another as a threat in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis.About 42 percent of American adults call mass migration a “major threat” to the U.S. Another 39 percent say mass migration is a “minor threat” to the county while less than 20 percent of American adults see no threat from mass migration … Continue reading More Than 8-in-10 Americans Call Mass Migration a ‘Threat’ to U.S.

Wisconsin Creamery Provides Free Milk to Community Using ‘Kindness Cooler’
A Wisconsin creamery is giving away free milk to its local community members who are struggling due to the coronavirus pandemic. Sassy Cow Creamery, located in Columbus, Wisconsin, and owned by brothers James Baerwolf and Robert Baerwolf, is keeping a refrigerator outside the creamery that is fully stocked with milk and other dairy products. The creamery has called this refrigerator “the kindness cooler” because it is available to anyone in need, and it is open until the end of the pandemic. “My three daughters got the idea after … Continue reading Wisconsin Creamery Provides Free Milk to Community Using ‘Kindness Cooler’
A World Turned Upside Down
Why are we surprised? Prophecy watchers have been warning people for years that end-time events could be shocking, even before the Rapture. We have let people know that Tribulation events would cast a shadow on the Church Age as God gears up to close the Church Age. We have talked about the “birth pangs” of the last days for decades. God doesn’t shake the entire globe very often. He did during the time of Noah and at the Tower of Babel … Continue reading A World Turned Upside Down
Universe May Actually Have a 'North' & a 'South' as New Tests Tear Holes in Einstein's Gravity Theory
Scientists studying a quasar 13 billion light years away believe they have discovered a ‘direction’ to the universe which, if proven true, would upend not only Einstein’s theory of gravity, but the standard model of cosmology. The universe is governed by … Continue reading Universe May Actually Have a 'North' & a 'South' as New Tests Tear Holes in Einstein's Gravity Theory
This Mutant Bacterial Enzyme Could Recycle Plastic Bottles In Just Hours
It’s one of the biggest challenges facing humanity: how to stop the tide of plastic pollution that is suffocating our planet. Now, a French company called Carbios has developed a mutant enzyme formula which can break down plastic into a pristine recyclable form in only a few hours. Convenient, lightweight and offering greater profit than other products … Continue reading This Mutant Bacterial Enzyme Could Recycle Plastic Bottles In Just Hours
Sophia the Robot Gives a Glimpse of What's to Come in 2020
TobyMac - The Elements
Robot Tells Joggers To Stay Home In Singapore
Way Maker - Paul McClure
Trapped inside Hong Kong’s Cage Houses | RT Documentary
Praise You In This Storm - Castng Crowns

Hoofbeats Of The Four Horsemen?
According to Lifeway Research, many pastors are apparently having an "aha" moment due to the tide of our times. It's about time. I am now hope-filled. They are seeing current events today as things the Bible forecast for the end-of-days. But I maintain their pulpits could still be silent. Let's be optimistic. When real church resumes, the pulpits will boldly announce that we are in the last days and Jesus is coming soon. Get your houses in order … Continue reading Hoofbeats Of The Four Horsemen?

Indigenous in Colombia Take on Armed Groups & Coronavirus
Jambalo, Cauca, Colombia - Since he was a teenager, Edinson Quiguanas has helped patrol the roadside checkpoints on the outskirts of his Indigenous village in rural Colombia. This time, his orders are different: no one enters and no one leaves. "Before, we protected the community by watching for armed groups," he said. "Now the threat is something you can't see." Colombian President Ivan Duque ordered nationwide … Continue reading Indigenous in Colombia Take on Armed Groups & Coronavirus