Qatar & the Antichrist's False Peace
Recent news regarding Qatar provides a preview of things to come. In the future, the Antichrist will negotiate a Middle East peace agreement with Israel. But it will not address the deeper issues, and the treaty will not last. We can see a picture of its flaws right now. For years, people familiar with Bible prophecy wondered how the Antichrist could possibly end the antagonism between Israel and its Muslim neighbors. Hatred of the Jews seemed too entrenched … Continue readingQatar & the Antichrist's False Peace
‘Smart’ Face Mask From Japan Translates 8 Languages
Engineers have designed a smart facial mask that can help not only amplify voices, but can also translate speech into eight different languages. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow with no end in sight in the foreseeable future, face masks have become an essential part of our daily lives. As a result, the market for protective face coverings has exponentially grown – with the demand for cloth, neoprene, disposable, reusable, valved and filtered masks … Continue reading ‘Smart’ Face Mask From Japan Translates 8 Languages

Google Developing Tattoos That Turn Skin Into Touchpad; Researchers Developing Skin-drawn Monitor
Google announced that its working on developing the next futuristic technology beyond smartphones — tattoos that turn the user into a human touchpad. Meanwhile, scientists are developing something way more sinister using similar skin-drawing technology to track its wearer’s movements. Google is developing smart tattoos that, when applied to the skin … Continue reading Google Developing Tattoos That Turn Skin Into Touchpad; Researchers Developing Skin-drawn Monitor

I've Worn Alexa-Enabled Glasses For Two Weeks - They're Driving Me Bananas
What do you call it when there's a little voice in your head only you can hear? A hallucination? Amazon calls it progress. I've been living with its latest talking artificial intelligence product, called the Echo Frames, for two weeks. They're glasses with tiny speakers and a microphone so you can have your own private conversations with Amazon's Alexa virtual assistant everywhere you go … Continue reading I've Worn Alexa-Enabled Glasses For Two Weeks - They're Driving Me Bananas

Gates Tries to Justify Side Effects of Fast-Tracked Vaccine
As vaccine companies rush to bring a COVID-19 vaccine to market, billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates — who routinely funnels hundreds of millions of dollars to various vaccine projects — warns you will probably need “multiple doses” of any given COVID-19 vaccine for it to be effective. In speaking with CBS News, Gates said, “None of the vaccines at this point appear … Continue reading Gates Tries to Justify Side Effects of Fast-Tracked Vaccine

Pivot to Remote Learning
Pivot to remote learning creates a chance to reinvent K-12 education. Many of the nation’s 57 million K-12 students will spend at least part of the 2020-2021 school year either dealing with distance learning or a hybrid model that keeps them out of classrooms several days a week … Continue reading Pivot to Remote Learning
All Spying All The Time
During this summer of madness in Portland, Oregon, and sadness over COVID-19, two below-the-radar events occurred implicating the insatiable appetite of the United States government to spy on everyone in America. Regular readers of this column know … Continue reading All Spying All The Time
Why Hundreds of Millions of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Will Soon Be Released in Florida
Hundreds of millions of genetically engineered mosquitoes will soon be released in Florida … Continue reading Why Hundreds of Millions of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Will Soon Be Released in Florida

With 194 BILLION Masks & Gloves Used Monthly - New Wave of Pollution Hits Oceans & Beaches
A new, sad side effect of the pandemic is millions of pieces of discarded personal protective equipment (PPE) that is littering the planet in shocking ways. When the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world earlier this year, plunging much of the world into lockdown conditions, it seemed that nature was finally being given a major breather – so much so that breathless stories spread across the world about animals taking back their environs … Continue reading With 194 BILLION Masks & Gloves Used Monthly - New Wave of Pollution Hits Oceans & Beaches

Political Trolls Adapt, Create Material to Deceive & Confuse the Public
Trolls get creative when looking to deceive. Russian-sponsored Twitter trolls, who so aggressively exploited social media to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election, didn’t stop when Donald Trump was elected … Continue reading Political Trolls Adapt, Create Material to Deceive & Confuse the Public

Emiratis welcome Israelis to the UAE in Hebrew
Emirati Khalifa Al-Makhmoud speaks in a Hebrew language video aimed at Israelis. Young Emiratis speaking in Hebrew welcome Israelis to visit the UAE in a Hebrew language video, promoted by the UAE Foreign Ministry and Netanyahu. Young Emiratis speaking in Hebrew welcomed Israelis to visit the UAE in a Hebrew language video published on Twitter Tuesday morning. The clip was promoted by the UAE’s Foreign Ministry and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The video begins with an image of the Emirati and Israeli flags and Arabic text reading … Continue reading Emiratis welcome Israelis to the UAE in Hebrew
Facebook Leads Users to Holocaust Denial Pages - Watchdog Says
Watchdog group discovers Facebook algorithms directing users to Holocaust denial content. Facebook’s search algorithms routinely send people to content denying the Holocaust, a new investigation by a UK-based watchdog … Continue reading Facebook Leads Users to Holocaust Denial Pages - Watchdog Says
4 Reasons to Repair Instead of Recycling or Replacing
It's time to jump off the consumption train and embrace the art of repair. Mending, darning, patching, painting, rewiring, gluing – we used to be a people of repair, of resourcefulness, of taking pride in our ability to tinker and the longevity of our things. Nowadays? Not so much … Continue reading 4 Reasons to Repair Instead of Recycling or Replacing
US Army is Developing Self-Healing & Shape-Shifting Material
US Army is developing self-healing and shape-shifting material that could lead to 'Terminator-style' drones which morph to adapt to new threats. The US Army is in early stages of design a self-healing, shape-shifting material … Continue reading US Army is Developing Self-Healing & Shape-Shifting Material

The Real Pandemic Gap Is Between the Comfortable and the Afflicted
Beneath society’s plutocratic layer, America is not as united in the face of crisis as we like to pretend. The stories from the front lines of this country’s abandonment of the poor in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic … Continue reading The Real Pandemic Gap Is Between the Comfortable and the Afflicted

Democrats Have Failed Urban Black Americans
The Republican critique of misrule in American cities has some merit, and it’s not clear that Joe Biden’s party is prepared to meet the need. On the first night of the Republican National Convention on Monday, viewers were treated to a taped speech by Kimberly Klacik … Continue reading Democrats Have Failed Urban Black Americans
Los Angeles is a Sh*thole
Paul Joseph Watson
Neck Tattoo Works as Lie Detector
New York City is a Sh*thole
Paul Joseph Watson
Giant Mile-Long Forest Xylophone Plays Bach
Investigation Reveals Exploited Abused Monkeys
I Said "God If You're Real, Reveal Yourself!" His Response Shook Me

Japan’s Life-Size, Fully Functional 55,000-pound Gundam is Now Complete
Japan’s life-size, fully functional 55,000-pound Gundam is now complete. Late last month, footage emerged of Japan’s full-sized Gundam robot testing the functionality of its legs in the Port of Yokohama which lies near Tokyo. Late last month, footage emerged of Japan’s full-sized Gundam robot testing the functionality of its legs in the Port of Yokohama which lies near Tokyo … Continue reading Japan’s Life-Size, Fully Functional 55,000-pound Gundam is Now Complete

Pandemic Rumors May Have Killed Hundreds of People
Pandemic rumors and information overload make separating fact from fancy difficult, putting people's health and lives at risk. The reason sanitizer kills novel coronavirus is that it contains north of 60 percent ethyl alcohol. To kill any viral invaders swarming your body, you need to drink enough alcohol to sterilize your system. According to research by Dr. John Lee Hooker, it only takes one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer to begin feeling the salutary effects … Continue reading Pandemic Rumors May Have Killed Hundreds of People

Scientist Find Microplastics Inside Human Organs
"IN A FEW SHORT DECADES, WE'VE GONE FROM SEEING PLASTIC AS A WONDERFUL BENEFIT TO CONSIDERING IT A THREAT." Bits of microplastics are showing up inside human tissues, according to new research. A team from Arizona State University found nanoplastic particles in all 47 samples of a variety of human organs, including lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys. "You can find plastics contaminating the environment at virtually every location on the globe, and in a few short decades … Continue reading Scientist Find Microplastics Inside Human Organs
Why Is America Being Hit By So Many Horrific Natural Disasters All Of A Sudden?
It has just been one thing after another in 2020. First, the COVID-19 pandemic erupted and quickly spread all over the globe. At this point more than 800,000 people have died globally, and authorities are warning us to brace ourselves for another wave of the pandemic in the fall … Continue reading Why Is America Being Hit By So Many Horrific Natural Disasters All Of A Sudden?
9 Ways that SOCIALISM Will Morally Bankrupt America
Every day, socialism becomes more and more popular among young Americans. There are 3 big reasons why: 1. Socialism is being marketed to young people as kind, selfless, and community-focused, 2. Many people are unaware of Socialism’s dismal record, and 3. Young people are not being taught America’s founding principles, so they are unprepared to combat … Continue reading 9 Ways that SOCIALISM Will Morally Bankrupt America
4 Classic Disney Movies with Deep Meanings You Had No Idea About
Many classic Disney movies will be familiar to us all. They will have been a large part of many people’s childhood. It is glaringly obvious to see that classic Disney movies have held an important and enduring place within popular culture for most of the last century. These films have captured the imagination … Continue reading 4 Classic Disney Movies with Deep Meanings You Had No Idea About

The Rush to Patent, Control, Profit From the Coronavirus Dates Back to 1999, Implicates the CDC, Dr. Fauci
The United States blames China for the virus and China blames the U.S., but the truth is that both countries are engaged in a network of unethical coronavirus gain-of-function research that dates back twenty-one years … Continue reading The Rush to Patent, Control, Profit From the Coronavirus Dates Back to 1999, Implicates the CDC, Dr. Fauci

Study of 3 Top Medical Journals Reveals That Many Medications, Medical Products & Services are Completely INEFFECTIVE
If you’ve ever suspected that a medication you’re taking isn’t really doing much to improve your symptoms, it might not just be your imagination: A comprehensive study has shown that a concerning number of medications … Continue reading Study of 3 Top Medical Journals Reveals That Many Medications, Medical Products & Services are Completely INEFFECTIVE

Smart Dust
— Smart Dust is a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems such as sensors, robots, or other devices, that can detect light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, chemicals and other stimuli. In 1965, Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel, predicted that the number of components that could fit on a single chip could double every 2 years. His theory dubbed Moore’s Law … Continue reading Smart Dust

After the Rapture - Left Behind
What happens to life on planet earth after the 'Rapture' has been talked about, debated, given to fiction & nonfiction; but almost certainly never discussed at the dinner table. Talking about life after the 'Rapture' makes many people uneasy & usually ends up upsetting the reader or listerner or simply boring someone to death. But, it is a topic of controversy … Continue reading After the Rapture - Left Behind

God Bless You!
Reaching out in appreciation to all frontline workers & everyone reading here AWFSM. In the trying times we are all eduring it is easy to get lost in the circumstances of our days & not look up & note that real people are behind the screens we are all peering into. Prayerfully friend, remain in faith & trust our Lord to help us all maintain & manage yet another day … AWFSM