This Is What the Sixth Mass Extinction Looks Like & Here's Why You Should Care
Unhealthy ecosystems jeopardize our ability to meet our most basic needs: Water, food, medicine, clean air. There is no one on the planet this doesn’t impact. And loss of biodiversity hurts the poorest the most. Away from the buzz of endless news cycles, political chatter, and self-styled punditry, the natural world is quietly experiencing the sixth mass extinction of species … Continue readingThis Is What the Sixth Mass Extinction Looks Like & Here's Why You Should Care
The Biblical Book of Esther Playing Out Again Today
Four years of unconscionable, duplicitous, manipulative, manufactured attempts by the ruling class to get rid of the unacceptable outsider Trump seems poised to achieve success. The deplorables who dared in 2016 to elect Trump in defiance of their ruling-class betters are about to be put back in their place. Maybe the Bible suggests otherwise.The Bible's Book of Esther records the story … Continue reading The Biblical Book of Esther Playing Out Again Today

U.S. & China: Emerging Technologies & The Race To Control The Future
Chairman Xi seems to want to secure a commanding lead in the emerging hi-tech disciplines to create a sense of inevitability about China's rise to world domination. Now, a Chinese physician and virologist, Dr. Yan Limeng, who fled China and is in hiding in the U.S., has said that China released the virus "intentionally" … Continue reading U.S. & China: Emerging Technologies & The Race To Control The Future

Migrant Caravans Restart as Pandemic Deepens the Humanitarian Crisis at the US-Mexico Border
Members of a U.S.-bound migrant migrant caravan from Honduras have been detained in Guatemala and deported before they could reach Mexico. Though their journey was cut short, the formation of a new caravan reveals that – as in 2018 and 2019 – Central Americans are fleeing … Continue reading Migrant Caravans Restart as Pandemic Deepens the Humanitarian Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

How COVID Has Actually Improved Some Elementary Schools
I'm a firm believer in trying to find the positive in any situation, but this philosophy has been hard to maintain at times during the coronavirus pandemic. Especially as my kids prepared to return to school in September after six months off, I felt anxious about what school would be like. Were they going to spend their days swathed … Continue reading How COVID Has Actually Improved Some Elementary Schools

Eco-Friendly Wind Turbines Piling Up At Landfills
Blades for wind turbines, which the Biden Campaign has touted as “clean energy,” are piling up at landfills because they can’t easily be crushed, repurposed or recycled. To demonstrate the size of a typical blade, here’s video of one being moved down the highway: Because of their sheer size, worn-out blades are cut into three pieces and buried 30-feet deep at a landfill … Continue reading Eco-Friendly Wind Turbines Piling Up At Landfills

Report Sounds Dire Warning of Nigerian Christian Genocide
The wanton killing of Christians in Nigeria by extremist Muslims has been a “progressive genocide” that is growing, but with scant news coverage and a woefully inadequate response from the international community, says a report released yesterday by the Family Research Council. Titled “The Crisis of Christian Persecution in Nigeria,” the report laments the murders … Continue reading Why Are You Killing Christians?

Washington State Crews Destroy First US Murder Hornet Nest
Heavily protected crews worked in Washington state on Saturday to destroy the first nest of so-called murder hornets discovered in the United States. The state agriculture department spent weeks searching, trapping and using dental floss to tie tracking devices to Asian giant hornets, which can deliver painful stings to people and spit venom but are the biggest threat to honeybees farmers … Continue reading Wearing Futuristic Protective Suits, Washington State Crews Destroy First US Murder Hornet Nest

Trend Reversal: Americans Flee Big Cities for Small-Town Life in Record Numbers
Frustrated by Coronavirus restrictions and frightened by the violence popping up in US cities, many people are abandoning the cities they love for lives they hope are simpler and safer. Near the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains sits Orange, Virginia with a population of about four thousand. It's a place where a little girl can talk … Continue reading Trend Reversal: Americans Flee Big Cities for Small-Town Life in Record Numbers
QAnon Is Like a Game—a Most Dangerous Game
The conspiracy theory has the best attributes of a multiplatform game, except that it can cause harm in the real world. WHEN QANON EMERGED in 2017, the game designer Adrian Hon felt a shock of recognition. QAnon, as you very likely know, is the right-wing conspiracy theory that revolves around a figure named Q. This supposedly high-ranking insider claims that the deep state—an alleged cabal … Continue reading QAnon Is Like a Game—a Most Dangerous Game
Life Lessons Learned in My 40’s That I Wish I Could Tell My 20-Year Old Self
Have you ever said words to the effect of If only I knew then what I know now? You’re not the first person to express such thoughts, and you certainly won’t be the last. Many of us are convinced that if we could go back in time and have a chat with our 20-year old selves, then we could absolutely kill at adult-ing and beyond. A lot of growth occurs in … Continue reading Life Lessons Learned in My 40’s That I Wish I Could Tell My 20-Year Old Self

These Are the Best Drone Photos of the Year & They Will Blow Your Mind
From a shark hole in a heart-shaped salmon school to social-distanced protests, these photos are something else. This photo (heart shape) from Australian photographer - Jim Picôt won the grand prize, and it’s not hard to understand why … Continue reading These Are the Best Drone Photos of the Year & They Will Blow Your Mind

Designer Uses AI To Bring 54 Roman Emperors To Life
It's hard to stop looking back and forth between these faces and the busts they came from. A quarantine project gone wild produces the possibly realistic faces of ancient Roman rulers. A designer worked with a machine learning app to produce the images. It's impossible to know if they're accurate, but they sure look plausible. … Continue reading Designer Uses AI To Bring 54 Roman Emperors To Life

This May Be the First Lab-Grown Meat to Actually Hit the Market
For years, there’s been a crowded market of startups racing to bring the first lab-grown meat to market — think Aleph Farms, JUST, and the Bill Gates-funded Memphis Meats. But bringing a product to supermarket shelves has remained elusive. To be fair, it continues to do so … Continue reading This May Be the First Lab-Grown Meat to Actually Hit the Market
‘Giant Steps’: Netanyahu Hails 7 Agreements Signed in Bahrain
The prime minister “welcomed the first flight from Israel to Bahrain,” and said that it was a “continuation of the breakthrough toward peace,” according to an official statement. On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke by telephone with Bahraini Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani and U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin ahead of the signing … Continue reading ‘Giant Steps’: Netanyahu Hails 7 Agreements Signed in Bahrain
Evangelical Leaders Like Billy Graham & Jerry Falwell Sr. Have Long Talked of Conspiracies Against God’s Chosen
Evangelical leaders like Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell Sr. have long talked of conspiracies against God’s chosen – those ideas are finding resonance today. President Donald Trump sees many conspiracies around him. He has described investigations into … Continue reading Evangelical Leaders Like Billy Graham & Jerry Falwell Sr. Have Long Yalked of Conspiracies Against God’s Chosen
Nothing Left To Lose
In the afternoon of August 4, Aya Zantout sat in Al Makan, the cultural center in the Mar Elias neighborhood of Beirut, where she often volunteered. Suddenly, from her seat just a few feet from the office’s glass door, she heard a strange boom, followed by a thunderous sound that shook the building and sent the door heaving from its hinges. Glass shattered in every direction. “I can’t describe it in words,” she recalled to me in early August … Continue reading
China ‘Reserves Right to React’ if US Interferes With Confucius Institute Operations
Beijing has defended its Confucius Institute program after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he hopes the Chinese cultural centers on American university campuses would be shut down by the end of this year. he Confucius Institute operates in the US based on voluntary … Continue reading China ‘Reserves Right to React’ if US iInterferes With Confucius Institute Operations

The New Media Has Become like the Old Media—And That Means the Usual Bias
A Pew Research Center survey conducted in June finds that roughly three-quarters of U.S. adults say it is very (37%) or somewhat (36%) likely that social media sites intentionally censor political viewpoints that they find objectionable. Just 25% believe this is not likely the case. At this point … Continue reading The New Media Has Become like the Old Media—And That Means the Usual Bias

What is an Algorithm? How Computers Know What to do With Data
Computer algorithms can involve complicated math, but the concept of an algorithm is simple. The world of computing is full of buzzwords: AI, supercomputers, machine learning, the cloud, quantum computing and more. One word in particular is used throughout computing – … Continue reading What is an Algorithm? How Computers Know What to do With Data
How are Rural Health Services Adapting to the Pandemic?
No Rest for the Weary: Homeless in LA Face Heat, Wildfires, Coronavirus
Bio-Bots to Surveil Sewage, Monitor Your Diet & Drug Intake (for "COVID19 detection"..!)
Blendid in Action
Raise a Hallelujah
U.S.- Israeli Delegation Makes History on First Flight to Bahrain

MIT Develops Solar-Powered System That Extracts Drinkable Water From 'Dry' Air
A prototype of the new two-stage water harvesting system (center right), was tested on an MIT rooftop. The device, which was connected to a laptop for data collection … Continue reading MIT Develops Solar-Powered System That Extracts Drinkable Water From 'Dry' Air

Section 230 Isn’t Just a Shield, It’s a Sword & It’s Time to Start Wielding It Against QAnon
Tech leaders could stop the conspiracy theory from spreading on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube—if only they wanted to. Over the past several months … Continue reading Section 230 Isn’t Just a Shield, It’s a Sword & It’s Time to Start Wielding It Against QAnon

Scientists Claim To Discover New Organ In Human Skull
A team of doctors from the Netherlands was studying high-resolution brain scans when they stumbled upon a set of previously-undiscovered organs hiding inside the base of the human skull: a fourth pair of salivary glands … Continue reading Scientists Claim To Discover New Organ In Human Skull

Moral Failings of Leaders Collapsed Even the Best Societies, Finds Study
The anthropology study took a deep dive into 30 pre-modern societies and found that even those that had "good" governments were not immune to catastrophic demise. In fact, societies where the government provided goods and services and prevented drastic inequalities of wealth and power, tended to fall apart … Continue reading Moral Failings of Leaders Collapsed Even the Best Societies, Finds Study

YouTuber Creates Real-Life ‘Star Wars’ Lightsaber That Slices Steel
This is no Hollywood prop. Engineer and YouTube personality James Hobson has finally done what so many movie nerds before him have dreamed about: He created a functional — and potentially deadly — lightsaber fit for a real Jedi. Many “Star Wars” fans have tried to create a genuine lightsaber … Continue reading YouTuber Creates Real-Life ‘Star Wars’ Lightsaber That Slices Steel

New Catalyst Mimics Natural Processes To Break Down Plastics
While plastics recycling is not new science, current processes don’t make it economically worthwhile– waste plastics get “down-cycled” into lower grade, less useful material. It’s a challenge that continues to be an obstacle in tackling a growing global pollution crisis in single use plastics. A multi-institutional … Continue reading New Catalyst Mimics Natural Processes To Break Down Plastics

This AI Can Tell Which Instagram Photos Are Edited
The future is here: it's AI versus the Gram. While the world is legitimately worried about deepfakes and other clever manipulations , one form of manipulation has been around for ages: Photoshop. We all know that magazine photos are often cleverly edited, either with Photoshop or other image manipulation software. Most malicious manipulations, in general, use simple image editing tools. In a study published in e-print archive arXiv, a team … Continue reading This AI Can Tell Which Instagram Photos Are Edited

God Bless You Each!
Reaching out in appreciation to all frontline workers & everyone here reading AWFSM. In the trying times we are all enduring it is easy to get lost in the circumstances of our days & not look up & note that real people are behind the screens we are all peering into & real people are affected by these trying times. Prayerfully, may we all remain in faith & trust our Lord to help us maintain & manage yet another day …